What dynamic spkr. did you go to from electrostat?

I currently own a pair of ML Summits but considering a dynamic speaker which might offer more impact, however I am not wanting to part with the exceptional mids & highs that a good electrostat brings to the table.

Which dynamic speakers seem to offer the "best of both worlds" out there?

Also am wanting to stick with tube amplification, so has to be something that is decent to drive.

To all the Maggie posters, those are not Electrostats, now ofcourse you know that but maybe you didnt read his question closely :)
Martin Logan Odyssey replaced with Wilson Watt Puppy 7. Love the dynamics and speed I have now. Never thought a cone speaker could be so fast and open. No regrets at all.
No comments here on SoundLab stats so I will chime in. As stated many times on A'gon before, I was a huge Maggie fan (3.3 and 3.5) for many years until I heard the SoundLabs pretty much destroy them in every way: dynamics, low-end extension, fullness in the mids, tonal coherency, low-level resolution, image placement, the list goes on. The Maggie 20 series was not that much ahead of the 3 series.

The Maggies can be a most enjoyable speaker even with their limiting dynamics, but a transparent speaker they are not. And I ran them with ARC VT130, CL150s, Counterpoint NPS400, Wolcotts 220 and CAT JL-3 amps. Compared to ML stats, which I found way too analytical and lacking portrayal of space, the choice to go with the Maggies was an easy one.

I would agree that in the case of ML's, the midrange is thin but this is not at all the case with the SoundLab M1, A1, U1. Anybody who claims this has either not heard the SoundLab or heard them in an inappropriate system.

Denf, rather than be too quick to put stats out to pasture, I would suggest an audition of the SoundLabs. And if you want to run with tube amps, the CAT and the Atmasphere amps are outstanding performers. I run with the JL-3s and these along with the Aesthetix Io/Callisto front end results in midrange magic, decays and 3-dimensionality and dynamic contrasts like nothing I have yet heard.
Chadnliz: in response to your Maggies are not electrostats.. Duhhh... but the speed and air that the true ribbon provides is very similar and both are mid bass shy and can't attack loudly.. I'll add I owned ML Sequel's .. ok are you happy?

JaFox: I have hear good things about the soundlabs as long as you have the room, the typical planar quandry?
Maggies sound flat compared to ML and InnerSounds,also Magnepans compared Martin Logans dont have a Cone woofer so I dont think it was a big deal to point out that he was looking for answers in regards to Electrostats, and yes I am happy now.... smartass comments like yours always make my day.