Most Impact on Sound Stage/Imaging?

a) fix the cabinet and drivers, vary the crossover(design)

b) fix the drivers and crossover, vary the cabinet

c) fix the cabinet and crossover, vary the drivers

which of the three will have the most impact?


Steve O.
Most impact:
1. speaker placement
2. room

If you can't change either of these, then I'd put my money on cabinet design. Most loudspeakers I read about that are known for not sounding boxy have creative enclosure designs and/or driver placement.

This isn't to say these speakers create a better image, but they create sound that's free of the boxes.

Shahinian, Oskar Heil, Green Mountain Audio, Tetra are four brands that come to mind.
Well Crossovers done right will have the most influence on actual sound, but the cabinet will be semi important for better more solid clean transients, especially at higher volume... Drivers if they are good can be way better if on very good crossovers.
If you email me then I can briefly describe how using the virtual room treatments from Machina Dynamica may be just what you need. Great WAF because can be hidden in plain sight, or barely noticeable when in position.
I have listened to before-and-after results of true speaker builder-modifiers, and the results working outside the cabinets with Machina Dynamica can be as effective, sometimes even better, than what is heard after a great deal of hard work by the builder-modifiers.
Certainly recommendable for those listeners who are all thumbs.
Additionally, inexpensive Big Fat Black Dots (speaker footers) from enable many speakers to sound their best.
Finally, after years of DIY speaker building, at least one experienced speaker builder I have encountered feels "the magic is in the cross-over".
Crossover and rewire the box with solid enamel coated wire, no teflon coated wire. Also as others said- treat the room.