Anyone tried to get customer service from TALON??

Talon-New owner RIVES AUDIO-NO customer service!!!
I have a Talon Roc I purchased from an Audiogon member, it is still under warrenty. It developed a buzz after two months of use. I called Talon, now owned by Rives and told them the problem. I got a call from Katie saying they no longer dealt with the amp manufacturer but she would call me back. She didn't so I called a week later. Basically they weren't interested in my plight, even if if I paid for out of warrenty service. They did say, they could replace the amp for $1600!!!!! That is a "we don't don't care, but if you pay THIS-we will-price"!!!! Plate amps don't cost close to that retail, let alone wholesale. A call to Richard, the new owner, got me, "go buy a Crown amp for a $1000 and make a wood panel for the back"
BEWARE---it appears Rives do not want to support Talons existing products!!!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobyatt
You already made your point in this thread on December 14, 2006.

Rives responded and stated their position in the earlier thread, as did other members of Audiogon.

Is this Groundhog Day?
Since my wife left me a year ago, every day has been Groundhog Day for me. Oh, if only I could wake up to tomorrow.
I hadn't seen the original thread. Very enlightened discussion of a difficult situation. It is worth reading if you haven't seen it.