Vandersteen 2Ce Signature or Quad 22L

Almost ready to puchase a pair of Vandersteen 2Ce Sig's and a friend suggested I listen to the Quad 22L. Room size is 12 x 13 x 8.5 (home office). I will power the speakers on a Music Reference 9 MkII and a Music Reference V pre amp. Music tastes range from classic to rock. I do not live near a Quad dealer so any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
I owned the Vandy 2CE sigs and thought they sounded wonderful. The only problem is they are physically imposing in a small room. Your room is near the limit so be aware of this.
I would get the Vandersteens
They are a sophisticated Boxless, Time alligned speaker
that really come alive with the Music Refernce RM9 and pre.
I have been selling and enjoying Vandies and Music Reference for 20 years
Hope you enjoy
Cheers Johnnyr
In such a small room you should stay away from 3-way speakers. Integration of the drivers will be difficult. Go with a 2-way speaker. Quad makes them, as do others. Try the Quad 21 floorstanders, for exaqmple.
Dfp, did you make a final decision? I've been thinking about both the 2ce sig. and the 22L, also for a home office. Would be interested in your decision.