Klipsch KLF-20 vs. Tyler Talyo 7U?

Here are specs.
frequency : 34Hz-20kHz±3dB
power handling : 200 watts maximum continuous (800 watts peak)
sensitivity : 100dB @ 1watt/1meter
nominal impedance : 8 ohms
weight: 95 lb each
price: $1499

Taylo 7U:
35-20k, 4 ohm, 92db, 25-200 watts, 87 lb each, $3250

Similarities are the frequece range, power handling, and weight.
Big differences on sensitivity, impedance, and price.

I think KLF-20 is one of the best speakers in its price. Taylo Ref monitor seems to be one of the best in its league, but 7U would be even better. So, I would assume that 7U would be decisively better speaker than KLF-20, but I just cannot imagin unless I listen to them.

Has anyone listened to these two speakers? Any verdict? Am I right in assuming that 7U would be with all the goodies the Ref monitor has and would work far better in a bigger room?
jk@usa.com: Vman71, I'm a bit taken back by your response. You loose some respect and credibility with me when you choose to call someone stupid and such. There is no need for this!

Hi JK, you might be misinterppreting Vman71. He did not call anyone stupid. He mentioned "K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple stupid" which is a legitimate expression in modern American English (going back to Apollo sspace programs at least). Look at this Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle.

Or try the google search:

More recently KISS has inspired other expressions in similar vein; perhaps the best known of these is "It's the economy, stupid".

Don't take them personally. Cheers.
Hello jk. I have to respectfully disagree with you. And totally agree with Vman. I have 3 sets of Deang upgraded crossovers on 1981 Cornwalls,
1983 Cornwalls & 1989 industrial LaScalas.

I own 4 separate systems-both solid state separates-power amp/preamp & tube separates-power
amp/preamp. Separates will let you hear a huge improvement in sonics over the stock Klipsch crossover networks. I don't possess golden ears or am I an audiophile snob. I am just a music lover that likes good quality high performance gear. With more expensive gear, it will easily let you hear the higher fidelity sonic improvement over the stock Klipsch crossover networks. I am not b.s.ing. There are more people
over at the Klipsch Forum that hear a huge improvement than those that do not. The people that hear a sonic improvement usually own more expensive gear-ie separates-power amp/preamp.
Aktchi, Thanks for the info and clearing that up for me!
Appreciate it! :)

Lonestarblues, The majority do feel the same way you do. I do understand that but maybe I'm just not that lucky with mine, or maybe my ears aren't as tuned in to it as others? ;) thanks.