Hegel H160 Integrated

Dear Friends,
I just purchased the superb sounding Hegel H160 Integrated Amplifier, built in with DLNA for Apple Airplay, and surprisingly the first 24/192 via AirPlay, the first ever fully Apple Approved High End Amplifier, I've been a big fan of this brand ever since i bought the H30 which works so well wit my VAC Tube REF Preamp and Magico S3 Speakers and Skorgrand and Dh Labs Cables.

Cant be happier, the H160 is a different animal, i am testing this speaker
with Harbeths which is a great match, but would like a speaker
which are able to go closer to the wall, slightly smaller - plus the Hareth SHL5 is on loan and is not mine, these are too big for the room...and seem to have problem walking in and out of the living room with kids around, i need something tall and slender with good dispersion.

The H160 is for my second system, which is in the living room - i need recommendation for speakers, speakers will be somewhat closer to the wall and the living room area in my apartment is about only 12x10 ft..i wanted to get the H80 but i figured i could use the features and the power much later when i move to my landed property in 2 years...can somebody help? I really like the harbeth's but the wive's disapproval fact because (harbeth's are not pretty) has now left me to search for something visually pleasing and soundwise same or a bit superior...
One suggestion is the Dali Fazon F5...they take up somewhat less floor space then the Harbeth SHL 5, can work reasonably well close to the rear walls, might be more appealing to your wife and best of all work well with both the Hegel H80 and Hegel 160 (also my current integ. amplifier.) Good luck.
Thank you - how are you liking the H160 - we love ours!
Yes Fantastic Suggestion regarding the Fazon F5 - How much do you think i can get the for? - What speakers are you using wit the H160? - The definitely punch above their weight able to drive the Magico S3 in RMAF and in another store saw them drive an ATC (can't figure which model) but it was a floor stander....