What subwoofers are suited 4 audiophiles

I am looking for an accurate sounding subwoofer that will blend gently into my system and not be so noticed. Just a little boost in the lower registers that will add to my already accurate system. I am looking for an approaching lifelike sound from my set up while listening to jazz and classical and other acoustical vinyl recordings. What brands should I look at?
M&K's dual driver units are very nice as is the Muse Model 18 (discontinued). If you are looking for fast rather than deep base, the M&K dual 8" units (MX-70, MX-700, and MX-7000) are awesome for the money in small to medium rooms. Larger rooms could benefit from the Muse, or maybe a Bag End 18". The Mirage BPSS-210 is a good one as well (also discontinued).
TBI Magellan


Not a boom boom sub. It subtly delivers the missing bottom spectrum with fast and taught bass without drawing attention to itself. It can also go very low. The stand up bass in Jazz quartets sounds natural and full with good pace.

Probably not the best for bass freaks or for pressurizing a big room.
There's are lots that seem come to highly recommended by Agoners - Velodyne, REL, James, HSU, ACI - the list goes on. Room size/shape, current electronics and speakers + their in-room bass extension would be useful information to provide so people could give you a better opinion.