How high do subs go

Which subs go into 180 hz? Or close to it?
Sounds like you are trying to integrate with some satellites? As Kr4 mentioned most true subwoofers are designed to operate within frequencies no higher than 80 Hz. There are many subwoofers that will have a range to 150Hz - 200Hz that are designed for satellites or limited range smaller speakers. The trade-off may be low end extension but at least you will have some reach into the lower frequencies, about 40Hz-50Hz, to balance out smaller speakers

You will probably be limited in options but if you do some searching, I am sure you can find one to fit your application in both passive and active units.

Bill B.
Hello, Not only do cheap ones go to 80hz but good ones too. That is where my woofer system is crossed over at. You may see them in "my system". They are not "your average bear". Good subs require a bit of surface area, especially if they are going to intergrate with electrostatics. It also goes down to 20hz quite well. I think that good subs should be capable of higher freq. They intergrate easier if they do with any speaker system.
TacT no longer lists speakers and sub-woofers on their web site. I believe I recall hearing someone from Tact saying that their subs were unique in that they were designed (and the drivers in particular) to go to 200Hz. I do believe they were designed to be used with their digital ware though.
Acoustat6 wrote: "Hello, Not only do cheap ones go to 80hz but good ones too." Yeah but the OP asked about 180Hz, not 80Hz.

i think i remember reading that VMPS claimes their subs go to 300hz before breakup