Watt Puppy 7 with Pass X250.5?

Has anyone tried or heard this combination before? I'm considering buying a pair of 7's to upgrade from my VR4jr's. Would I be as happy with the low end response as I am now with the Jr's? I'm looking for a wider deeper soundstage with a nice low end.
Thanks for the input guys. Since my topic was about WP 7's and Pass amplification, I shall refrain from saying anything other than I have the opportunity to get a pair of beautiful WP 7's with low hours on it for $4k less than other speakers mentioned above. I've never heard the Watt Puppy's before, but I'm guessing they will be a good bit more detailed than the Jr's. I like the warmth of the Jr's. I'm hoping that the 7's will be more dynamic with my 250.5
I have had Sophias and WP7's, and IMO they both work better with big solid-state amps, although tube amps have their charms in the soundstaging and warmth departments. I have some big Essence amps driving my WP7's and the bass and dynamics are terrific. And yes, Audiooracle, we are getting tired of your hijacking posts to tout your crap Chinese speakers. Funny how these telemarketer types always claim their cheesy speakers beat Wilsons. What a joke.
Hey Rlawry,
Did you find your 7's to be too analytical or lean sounding? I want to hear body in my music, not a flat neutral response. I've never heard Watt Puppy's before but I get the sense that a lot of people think they're not musical. I thought the 7's fixed that problem. I'll be using a tube CD player as well as vinyl in my system. My room is relatively small though at 15 x 12. My Pass amp works in class A for the first 35 watts, so I'm thinking that might help matters a bit. Anyone else have any opinions? Feel free to chime in.
i use WP6s in a room 15*11 and find them very musical.

w/ wilsons, its all in the setup, which is challenging i must admit.

(hint: put them on the long wall, treat the room, and avoid silver-sounding cables and you're on your way)
Wake up and smell the coffe, spencerco I do not sell out of my territory and I don't even know where you live, and I am assuming you are not in my area!

The reason for mentioning this speaker is call your attention to a superior product and maybe save you some money, it is doubtful I would profit from your sale because again, I don't sell out of my territory.

I have sold WP for many years and they are indeed an excellent product, with that being said, there are waves of people who are making buying decisions with fresh eyes, these are people who value content.

Usher by the way is a larger company than Wilson and their speakers are hand made just like Wilsons.
Usher makes their own beryillium tweeters and midrange.
Usher uses the same woofers as Avalon, and Kharma.
Usher uses Jospeh D'appolito to design their crossovers.
Usher is famous for remarkable construction quality and is hardly considered Chinese crap, they are from Tiawan.

We delivered a pair of these speakers to a physician and his friend had a pair of $32,000.00 Avalon Eidilon Diamonds guess which one was the winner!

Close minded people will never discover anything new, and will fall into a trap which has blinded many people in this industry: they buy by name rather than content and in doing so miss out on really fantastic new products.

Yes support a company that changes a tweeter in a model and jacks up the price by 30%, as Dave Wilson drives his Ferrari to the bank, or support an import, yes true, but one whose company believes in making dreams affordable. It is your choice choose wisely.