Watt Puppy 7 with Pass X250.5?

Has anyone tried or heard this combination before? I'm considering buying a pair of 7's to upgrade from my VR4jr's. Would I be as happy with the low end response as I am now with the Jr's? I'm looking for a wider deeper soundstage with a nice low end.
You need to read the offendor's prior posts and you'll understand that any product not sold by him is unworthy of consideration. The history is there for all to see.

It's that simple and very bad selling.
Thank you.
Spenceroo, I don't think my WP7's are too lean with Essence amps and CAT Ultimate preamp, although I don't think they will ever be confused with a rich, warm sound. I was surprised at how transparent and big-sounding they are. If you want more warmth I would go with tubes, although you will give up some of the cavernous bass they are famous for. I haven't heard Pass electronics but one of my Essence amps is biased heavily into Class A and they do produce a warmer, fuller, more 3-dimensional sound than my other Essence amp that runs more in Class AB. If you are looking for a huge soundstage, the WP7's have the best I have heard. Audiooracle, notwithstanding how your Taiwanese (Taiwan is off the coast of China, no?) speakers sound, what irritates me most is your rudely forcing yourself into threads and trying to make a buck. The original poster was asking how WP7's would sound with Pass amps. I don't think he nor anyone else was asking for a put-down of Wilson speakers, who are an easy target because of their prime market position, something Usher never will have. Obviously this is too high a concept for you to understand. BTW, ever notice how many speakers have copied the WP design? You are trying to horn in on a market advanced by Wilson and other top high-end companies whose innovations built the business.
I actually have to agree with Audiooracle. I think you can do quite a bit better and save some cash looking elsewhere. I have a ton of experience with the Watt Puppy 7, and with the right setup, they sound great. But for the money.... ugh.
I was a dealer for many years and am not at this time. I would have to agree with the statement that there are other speakers that will do everything the Watts will and be easier to work with as well. The Ushers audiooracle was taking about are actually on a par with Wilson Audio Grand Slamms that cost three or four times as much as the WP7's, they were designed by Paul DiAppolito who works for Usher. It is an amazing speaker for the money and could be compared component and build to the Von Schweikert speakers that cost $150k.

There is nothing more appropriate that catching someone who is stating that they are looking at buying something specific and offering an alternative that can give better performance at a lower price. That should be the kind of advice given by any who have the actual experience with the products. I invested in taking trade-ins like WP7's, B&W 801 signatures, Pass Labs, Levinson, Jeff Roland, etc. so that I had the benchmarks on hand to give direct demontrations of better speakers, and to be able to show how to make them sound good.

The dealer who recommends a product probably isn't as self serving as it might seem because he will probably not be the dealer who would be used for checking out the product he recommends. Any business picked up from a chat forum will undoubtedly be discounted heavily as well so the advice is well served by the person looking for information on specific products.

The best purchases I've ever made are when I thought I had made up my mind on something only to have someone tell me about a better product, at that point it warrants checking it out and making up your own mind.

Ushers do warrant a listen, and it's not the AC-20 that goes head to head with WP7's, it's one of the smaller ones yet. They had best sound of show several years running as well as many best rooms.