What do you put under spikes of your Avalons? Mine ED's rest on a wooden floor and a 4mm cork mat and I put coins under spikes but I think there should be a better solution for this. Any suggestions?
Try the audiopoints from starsound and get the new big protector disc's.Walker is overpriced stuff and they use too much lead in the brass which ens the sound.Talk to Robert @ 1877-668-4332 and see whats up-Cheers Dennis
I definitely second Dennis' suggestion of the Audio Points protectors from Star Sound!

I second the use of Audiopoints. I have them under my Avalon Eclipse's. They did make a nice difference over the spikes supplied by Avalon
Audiopoints! Star Sound product. Used them on my Wilson MAXX speaker and they were a huge difference over stock spikes and discs that can be ordered will protect your floor no problem.
Thanks guys, but about what kind of sonic difference are we talking about when substituting sandard spikes with alternative's? When I put cork mats under speakers this brought an improvement in eveness and fullness of bass...