Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"

I am aware of several speakers that people say produce an image "free of the box": Green Mountain Audio Continuum, Ohm Acoustics Walsh, Reference 3a DiCapo.

What speakers have you heard that do this?
In my room, the Magnepan 1.6 and 3.6 worked rather well. Of course, neither are box speakers. Currently, my Merlin VSM-Ms (w/ Bam, of course) disappear surprisingly well. Last night, I listened to Brahams 1st Symph., the London Philharmonic and Klaus Tennstedt conducting and never heard the speakers once. They really vanished. Not all recordings works so well though it seems most do. There are still some recordings that are channel specific that I am reminded that there is a speaker. I've read some posts from guys with both Maggies and Merlins that claim to have had success regardless of the recording. I guess my room and speaker placement is not optimal to work for all recordings, but I am still impressed with the very deep Merlin soundstage and how well they image outside of the box.
The responses are interesting. I have heard many speaker that image exceptionally well. Mine included...and some mentioned above. Very few I have heard make the enclosures absolutely disappear. I suppose I'm looking for the last 4%.

I should have mentioned that I am primarily interested in box speakers, but the mention od electrostatics is appreciated.

I agree that Merlins disappear very, very well. Some Ohm Acoustics I recently heard totally disappeared, also.
Totem. ALL of them (Though I can only personally testify to Sttaf, Mani-2, and Winds)

Also, Von Schweikert VR4 genIII's
I know that many knowledgeable and experienced audiophiles will not believe this, but my Duntech Sovereigns completely disappear. It isn't easy, but it can be done. My room is 25'X19.5'X8.5" and the speakers are on the long wall. Unbelievable sound. Rest of system is H-Cat P12R preamp, McIntosh MC 402 amp, A computer based system, using the Bel Canto Dac3 in the USB mode. Anyone that want's to hear what I'm talking about is welcome to come and listen. Oh yes, also power cables, interconnects and speaker cables from Joe Cohen of Lotus Group. I've owned the Sovereigns for 21 years. Wouldn't trade them for anything else I've heard.