Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"

I am aware of several speakers that people say produce an image "free of the box": Green Mountain Audio Continuum, Ohm Acoustics Walsh, Reference 3a DiCapo.

What speakers have you heard that do this?
Tvad, I also purchased the Duette's (still waiting). What color did you get?

They were very close to the Sophia's and the WP8, better in many ways, and a much better bargain. For me the ease of set-up sealed the dreal. They certainly are "free of the box." I will be running them with Bel Canto Ref1000. The combination is great.
Rdb001, I got the Duettes, my note was to Tvad. They are an Anthrocite Black (or something like that) and are really a very deep maroon/brown. Almost like the BMW Panama brown metalic in color with a bit more maroon. Just had them delivered and installed yesterday. High WAF level (told her I had to sell two pair of totems to be able to pay for them!!!!;-)

Last night they ran with a Conrad Johnson SS amp. Today I am going to try them with a Pass Labs amp and at some point with a Golden Tube SE 40 amp.

As they were a demo pair, they are already fairly well broken in. I have a bit of corner correction to do in the room in one corner, but they do sound very good. I have not hooked up my subs with them yet, as I want to get a feel as to whether I really need the subs in the subject room (which is not my primary listening room). I also need to get new speaker cable (30 feet!!!! yikes) for them.

Sound better with the screens on in my environment and the tweeter on these speakers is much better than many of the other Wilson speakers (WP/Cub) I have listened to. I will post more in two weeks after more time.
Meridian M2 which I've owned for over 20 years
and the AP Virgo 111s in my main system.
Avanti 111s even in a crap system.
Cain & Cain Abbeys with my Audiopax which were a real ear opener. Ok only as wide as the speakers were apart but great depth and these really surprised me.
I fancy the Zu Presence but set great store by imaging qualities and have to listen near field - wll they do this?
Suppose I'll have to find out the hard way.
I've recently acquired a pair of Silverline Sonata III, and they are wonderfully free-of-the-box. Incredible imaging. As a friend said recently, they image like large two way monitors.