Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"

I am aware of several speakers that people say produce an image "free of the box": Green Mountain Audio Continuum, Ohm Acoustics Walsh, Reference 3a DiCapo.

What speakers have you heard that do this?

Congrats on those Silverlines...did you replace the VR4 Gen III HSE or are you adding to your extensive collection?
At RMAF I heard something no other speaker or set-up ever did, soundstage was sideways wonderful, but it would project the voice (lets say) all the way up front to about an inch from your nose, I could not believe it I actually jumped on my seat when the voice was right in my face (in a good way) It was a show almost of almost circus quality, a friend was with me, he bought those speakers!
This was the Avantgarde room setup by the twins, wow!

Today we both have horns speakers and we are thinking about flying in these guys to help us set-up the speakers to achieve that.

All the Best
Congrats on those Silverlines...did you replace the VR4 Gen III HSE or are you adding to your extensive collection?
Shadorne (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers)

Extensive collection? I owned the VR4 Gen III HSE for four years, and just recently replaced them with the Sonata III when a pair of Castle Acoustics Howard S2 kept blowing woofer drivers.

Hardly an extensive collection.

if you close your eyes or darken a room, it may be difficult to tell whether the music is coming from the speaker(s) or not.

Mrtennis (Threads | Answers)

It may. Or it may not. If it's difficult to detect the loudspeakers, then they are doing their job, IMO...and they are doing an excellent job of imaging "free of the box".

That's my goal. it may not be yours.
hi newbee:

i listen to 2 speakers because some of the instruments emanate from the left speaker and others from the right.
if i listen to the left speaker alone, e.g., i may miss half of the music.

timbre is important to me.

if a tenor sounds like a tenor but comes from the right speaker, i don't mind.
Mr T, You need a pre-amp with a mono blend curcuit - then you could get all of the music into one place. You could use a mono amp and save tons of space and set up problems that occur only in multi-speaker set ups. Go for it, you'll never look back(wards). I'll bet those old 57's would be perfect in a mono set up. :-)