VMPS - any owners

VMPS is another speaker line that has caught my attention but there is almost no mention of them in this forum. Does anyone have them? Care to discuss them?

If you will permit a thought from a non-owner, any speaker (whose size, appearance or price does not rule it out) that has won a "Best of CES" award should earn at least an audition.
I've owned the RM30's for a couple of years and think they're a great value. Check out my "Built for Speed" system, if you like.
I have heard and have visited many times with Brian Cheney of VMPS as I once lived in the Bay Area near him. He is a great guy; a little tempermental at times, but a passionate designer who builds a very high quality speaker at a very affordable price. There is no speaker that comes close to the bass performance at his price point. Brian's speakers have a very big sound and can go very loud without distortion. My only objection is the very large cabinets on his top end speakers. Lastly, the efficiency of his speakers is very high and most can be biamped. I would definitely give them a listen.
Owner here, FF3 SRE speaker and I am happy with them, my friend has the top of the line Elixir and likes them aswell. There are a few systems here that have them and owners on AudioAsylum have a whole VMPS club for you to check out.
Go check out AudioCircle.com for loads of VMPS info in and out of their own Circle.
