
I guess it's not news anymore that Crutchfield is selling Thiel online. What seems odd is the pricing: 2.4's going for $2500, and 3.7's for $5000, shipping included.

Can anyone confirm the accuracy of these prices? If they are accurate what are the implications?

Crutchfield does indeed seem a strange choice of online retailer because they sell nothing to support the purchase of Thiel speakers. They're aimed at the cheap home theater market. Does it make any sense that someone would order a Pioneer receiver and a pair of Thiel 2.4s for their home theater? It would be more logical to see them offered in Audio Advisor or Music Direct, for example. At least they sell real amplifiers that might stand a chance of making Thiels sound decent. The Pioneer receiver would likely go up in smoke.
They will probably push the higher end Marantz and PS Audio gear with the Thiels. However I would think anyone spending $10K for the 3.7 speakers would have some idea what they need to sound there best.
I have not bought anything from Cruthfield but they did clearly state MSRP was for each speaker and different MSRP for different color of wood veneer. There are so many local dealers who treat customers by the size of their wallets, I may as well give them ( Crutchfield) a try and I am pretty sure that buying from Crutchfield will not make me any lesser a man as I am. Give them a break, guys.
Crutchfield by far has some of the best customer service practices, including extremely liberal, no questions asked return policy and ultra-fast shipping. If anything, I am happy to see them sell Thiels, and sure hope they expand into other audiophile lines of products.
Andrewdoan, so you are willing to buy a $5000.00 pair of speakers from Crutchfield sight unseen, sound unheard? That's the other problem with highend-audio mail order. Who in thier right mind would buy something in that price range without auditioniong them? It's impractical. And if you quote some liberal return policy as your reasoning, let me ask: what do you think Crutchfield is going to do with those returned speakers? They're going to sell them to next buyer of course, which very likely will be you.