New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

You just gotta wait to hear it Tda.... I heard the Cremona and A/B/C it against the Auditor and the Concertino Domus, and I feel like I actually understand the differences between each step. The Cremona is truly a transcending speaker for me at that moment in time. I think it's one of the more musical speakers I've heard thus far.

But again, you have to hear the Cremona M before you can make your decision. Nothing we say on this forum is of any value unless you, yourself, can get a pair of ears onto the M and compare it in real time with the original, only then will you be able to pull the trigger.
Tda2000, thanks for the link and info.

Sounds like Sonus Faber is moving more and more toward hifi and less musical sound. As a former owner of EA1, Extrema, Guarneri, Cremona Auditor and current owner of Amati, Cremona, and EA2, I found each iteration more hifi sounding. The old Sonus Faber might be too warm and dark, but new one are getting too soul less. The original Amati actually strikes a pretty good balance, wonder if I will actually prefer the original Cremona as well. There are no perfect speakers and just personal preference, will have to wait till I hear the new Cremona M to judge.

As for midrange, one speaker I recently heard that had the best midrange resolution, speed, transparency, impact, decay, you name it, is the Usher BE 10/20. It was an incredible experience and I don't get impressed easily. I thought Guarneri/Extrema/Amati have good midrange, Usher is a big big big step above. And at their asking price, Usher is a bargain consider the craftmanship.

But again as a Sonus Faber fan, I might pick up a pair of Cremona M or Elipsa just for fun.
Hi pinkus

Well what ever floats your boat.

But i absolutly did not hear what you describe infact the klimax sounded sweat even with neutral sounding speakers .

As for the two sources you used i dont know them so cant comment

what i do know is that i have heard the chakra twin many times and the cheaper c2200 chakra and the resulst with different frondends where profoundly different.

I love the sound of the klimax amps and epecialy with the cremonas ,and there was not even a hint of hardnes or edeginess and the ears never lie.

But if you really beleive that the klimax amps was to bright with the cremonas wich are a very forgiven and varm sounding speaker then somthing must be wrong in you system because then every one without warm sounding speakers would have hearing damaged by now.

Regardin cabels this we agree on.

I see this is pointless we all have different ears and tasts glad you found somthing you liked better in nagra and me in the klimaxes

Hi joey

I have heard the cremona many of times and you are right there is somthing about that speaker.
It has somkind of magic in it
i ones read somwhere that sonus faber speakers like the amati with the right gear can actually sing.

Well i thourgt it was a bit strange to say but i heard them cremona do the same thing with linn klimax chakra twin amp with unidisk 1.1 fronend hard to describe but easy to hear .

There are different kinds off audiophils , there are those that dont like sonus faber speakers because the are not the best at the hifi things ,and there are those that like sonus fabers because the are not so good at the hifi things. but masterpieces in musical reproduction.

Franco serblin diddent see the speakers as a devices that could bring you as close to the recording as possible wich pretty much is the goal for many hfi audiophils , but as somthing that could recreat the emotion in the music.
Have he did it i dont know but he did and thats why sonus faber are where the are today and why those that like sonus fabers love them.

One thing is for sure i wil not buy the new cremona m unless i have heard it first.

I know that im in love with the sound of the old cremona 3 way and i know that it is a match made in heaven with my soon to arrive klimax solos .
But again if the new cremona still have the maigic and smooth topend it would make sence to get those instead.

Some time ago when i sold on of my lyngdorf audio tda2200 amps i had a long talk to the frather of the guy who bourgt the amp, he had the orginal guanaeri and had the priveledge to listen to the new memento for one month to deside wether to buy it or not.

He liked the old one better and keept it.