New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

I agree and DISAGREE with you TDA... :).

I agree that the Cremona does something that is able to better emotionally connect you to the music.

I disagree in that I believe the Cremona is indeed a hifi speaker. It may not be as lean as what is stereotypically "hifi", but to me and my ears, what say that the lean "hifi" sound is actually colored?

The Cremonas are very transparent to the source as its character changes with the upstream variations.

I love these speakers, and I don't even own a pair.

Hi joey

Regarding the kvality of the source with cremonas your are so absolutly right.
if that makes it a hifi spekaker well then it is.

Its very easy to get a muddy topend with those cremonas also with lesser amplifires it can sound much to full dark and slow and grani.

But its not a analytical speakers thats for sure to me it plays music above all.
This actually puts many hfi people off becasue for those people music is only a instrument to test the given systems preformans.

I think that its also a speaker that will be responsiv to every thing in the audio chain and will sound better and better when you move up in kvality of source
and amps .

The new cremona m may have been designed so is better hifi wise but dos it still lest you concentrade on the music i dont no but im dying to find out.

Hi pinkus regardin cables lets just put it this way i have been down that road and spend a redicuasly amout off money .
one day i put my trusty old unterminated taralabs solid cobber cabels just to see how worse the where and i actually preferred them to the expensiv ones.

Sorry for my limited english skills im a dane i thourgt lean meant bright ann egdy.

Regarding klimax amps is a done deal for some reason i ge thardbeating and gooesspots all over every time i listen to them in other wrds i love the sound.
And i have listend to ALOT of gear through the years but never nagra.

maybe in a couple of years IF i will get tired of the klimax amps then i maybe should take a good listen to the nagra gear i have heard great things not just from you .

but again with klimax amps the source is very important and its here the sound is make or brake .
linn will soon put out a replacment for the sondek cd12 wich used hardisk play back this player is on top of my list when it comes out .


Take a look at the Cremona M in all its glory! I wonder if a new Cremona Auditor is coming out...