New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .

you may not use English fluently but you describing things that's well understood. Maybe the original Cremona is best for you in an offer price but wait to hear the new one to be sure. As for the development in Cremona it was a big success and made a new one not by scratch but elevating it to higher standards. But let's hear it first.

Since you're Dane what Danes say about the new Gryphon Mirage? is it much better than Sonata Allegro or not?
It seems you Danes make some of the best audio gear in the world!

Hi kops

Sorry for my limited english skills spelling is my weak side.

You`r absolutly right about the new cremona M it may very well sound fantastic.
The elipsa are getting rave reviews and comments Especialy for the mid/tweeter unit.

But unless the use better kval crossover components i have my doubts if its better in every way.

What i love about org cremona is its musicality it just brings joy in me
if this aspekt is not keept in cremona M i have no interrest in it no matter how impressing it may be in other areas.

Gryphon is the one danish brand i dont no enything about but i have not yet heard an older amplifire that betterd the newer model version.

Kops i know you own the amati anniversario wich where conceived by the new RD department of SF .
this may sound like and much to straightfull questian but do you think that the new amati still have the musical and emotinal sound wich i seem to cherish so much about serblins sonus faber creations . ?

I will jump in here and try to answer the question about Amati Anniversario emotional impact...
One of my friends who owns Amati Homage visited me sometimes ago to listen new Anniversario's. At that time I was auditioning Krell FBI int.amp with ARC REF CD7 cd player connected with Acrolink cables to Anniversario's. In his opinion sounds was "too modern, with too tight bass and way too many highs...". He left not impressed at all.
Second day in the morning he called me and said to me "that his Amati Homage sounded much worst latter yesterday when he got home and audition same CD that we were playing on my system(BTW, that CD is Hugh Masekela Hope-track 12 Stimela-IMHO excellent jazz/world music recording)!" He changed his opinion since he said that new Anniversario's are producing much more details without sounding bright at all... Accomodation period I guess...
In the end he sold Amati Homage and bought new Anniversario's as well...
In the end I would describe Anniversario's sound as "Modern and romantic" at the same time! These are not perfectly neutral speakers and you need to learn to live with some minor colorations(if you can not, there are many excellent alternatives). But, they really sound great if other members of your system are capable enough!
For me there is no doubt at all-Anniversario's are much better and complete speaker then old Homage.
Hi branimir thanks for sharing you thourgts.

I actually think that the new cremona will be much closer soundwise to the orginal one compared to the old amati vs anniversario.
The amaties uses completly different drivers.

Both cremonas uses the same spicies ringradiator tweeter and scanspeak midunit.

Somthing i have noticed with the org Cremona is it has a way of pulling you into the music.
forget about the coloration and The forgiven topend thats only miner things
what i mean is its way off presending the music itself.

At an all day demo with both the auditor and the 3 way driven by linn chakra c2200 and unidisk SC this is what i heard.

To me it starts out sounding almost exactly like the cremona auditor letting you enjoy the beginings fully , then when the music builds up it showes more an more power gradially pulling you in and then when the music klimaxes the room is filled with beatiful sound .

This is what a musical speaker can do it enhances the emotion in the music
How this is technially done i dont know but i think its by designing the crossover to act a surthen way.

I know that im not the first reporting this and this kvality from a speaker is why im into sonus faber speakers.

99% of the seakers i have listend to dosent do this the are more like magnifiring glasses that lest you study sound making you mind pay atension to the detajls instead of the music.

Lest hear what people say when the compare the old to the new head on.

During the duration of this thread of yours, I ended up auditioning and re-auditioning the Cremona line of speakers. I ended up purchasing the Auditor which I will build around as my 2nd system for now. When the Auditor M comes out, I will see which one I prefer and move on from there.

Atleast, this gives me something to look forward to.

And plus, I dont think I made a bad move by purchasing a pair of used Auditors... because considering SF is planning to ship out on September... it will probably be a long long time before dealers actually see them. For example, NO local Chicago dealer has the Ellipsa... and it was announced several months ago.

I wont be surprised if the M reaches our dealers by January of 2008. Until then, I'll be enjoying my Auditors!
