New sonus faber Cremona M version


Saw that sonus faber has made a new version of the cremona called the cremona M.

Have enybody heard thise .


believe me it is the Linns :) Get some Nagras and see how the new ones sound :)

Ok, more seriously, why do you say the new Cremona's look better than the old ones. I was under the impression that they both have the same cabinets, and only the footers have been changed.
Pinkus i did not here the new ones with linn gear.

As stated 2 times it was marantz gear.

The org cremonas with linn gear do not sound lean at all heard the combi so many times .
the problem lies somwhere else in your system .

My linn gear do not sound bright or lean at all remember i have the solos.
The sound a littel maybe a tiny bit lean with my slimdevices transporter but with my new unidisk the sound just right.
The are the most transperant amps i have ever been exposed to all the frontend i have tried completly changed the tonal balance.

And this is on my tempoary system audio speakers wich are as neutral as speakers comes.

The new ones are indeed the same size but the new grill looks better and the finish also seem better.
Looks like franco serblin is on the move again making speakers.

Thank god