Bose 901...really

The good book says that there is a time and place for everything. Even Bose 901s?

I am building a pool house addition to my house, 36 X 26 with a cathedral ceiling about 24 ft. The entire interior is hard surface wood, glass, and concrete, so it will be very reverberant. I want to install a set of multichannel speakers. For the fronts, I am all set, with NHT1259 woofers in a 3 cu ft wall cavity, along with three Dynaudio monitors, mounted on the wall. (I have all this on hand). The rear wall includes a very large set of windows. They say that if the world gives you lemons, make lemonade. Why not use that expanse of glass and wood as a reflector for Bose 901s? I have a hunch it would work quite well. And the darned things a cheap as speakers go these days.
While the Bose 901-VI fit the bill in my number 2 system (driven by Crown D-150 amp), my number 1 system has Totem Mani 2 speakers driven by (egads) a Nakamichi 600 power amp.
Talk about not being wed or influenced by 'only one way to get good sound' thinking! Ultimately, it is the sound that counts and not what 'audiophiles' think about 'too cheap to be good' solutions.

Bob P.
I never had a particular problem with the bass on the 901s. It was more the mids and highs - every pair I ever heard sounded like they had a blanket over them. They had a dull sound with no detail whatsoever. I thought it was because they had sacrificed so that they could take higher power without blowing the tweeters.
It's been my experience, and my point in this discourse, that they have never sounded like live music by any stretch of the imagination. That(live music) is my reference, and will always remain so. I'm much more a sound technician/engineer than an "audiophile". The pedal notes that I referred to are not so much audible, as they are felt in the gut. When I said, "cracked my ceilings," I was being quite literal.
Having experienced the nirvana of really efficien speakers, I know that the 901s are in many ways, lacking.

That being said, I have to point out that I was using a pair of 901s when first I joined the club here at Audiogon and the first improvement to my system was a pair of better---not really high-end---interconnects.

The 901s responded with much better listening. They were at least sensitive enough that this tweak did matter.
Wireless, there are no tweeters to blow.
My experience with the Bose 901 in 'normal' rooms is that I usually have to rolloff the top end with the help of an equalizer to get the sound that I wish at the listening location. In listening I look for natural tone to violins and snare and cymbals, not the 'hot' tone that seems to be the fad these days. If you attend symphony concerts you might be surprised at how 'not hot' and not-detailed sounding the violins are, but yet you will not want for soft beautifull tone.
There is the old joke about the audiophile attending a live concert and complaining that there wasn't enough bass nor highs.