Mini-monitor suggestions for a Blue Circle CS

I have a 10X12 room and need help to begin the search for a good match for the BC amp. Any suggestions will be appreciated
Hi Larry,

In addition to those mentioned above, the Focus Audios monitors (FS-68SE or FS-688) will work well with Blue Circle kit. These little guys sound as good as they look ... and they look superb!

Good luck,
I have been using Reference 3A MM De Capo i speakers with a 25 watt Blue Circle BC6 Class A hybrid amp and a BC3 Despina preamp in a relatively small room [16' x 12' x 8.5' ] with great results.
If you haven't already, you might want to also run this question by the folks on the forum at Blue Circle's web site.
I suggest you visit Bob Neill's website,, a knowledgeable reviewer and now apparently also a dealer of, wouldn't you know it, Blue Circle, Jean Marie Reynaud, and Audio Note gear, among others. There is very detailed first hand information there about the BC/JMR pairing. I might also suggest one of the LS3/5 variants. (ie. Spendor, Harbeth) I am currently using Spendor 1/2e in a 12x15' room, though I wouldn't consider these "mini" monitors.