Anybody heard the TAD 805SD speakers?

Looking at the ad for these speakers, I figure that either:

a) these are the greatest bargain out there for bookshelf/monitor speakers, OR,
b) the descriptive hype is way over the top

Anybody actual heard these?
You get what you pay for. They remind me of something you would pick up at circuit city or best buy. Buy a used pair of PSB's or Epos. Or something like that. You will be much happier.

Are you basing that on hearing them, or by the way
they look?(Which I think is great) Or?? Just wondering because I am thinking of picking up a pair.

Thanks for any info,
Before I bought the 805d's I scoured the net for owners feedback and found nada, nothing out there, so I bought them on a wing and a prayer. So in light of the absence of reviews, I did a little testing and will try to explain what I hear in my system. I'm comparing the Tad 805SD (not fully broken in) hooked up with monster cable versus Von Schweikert VR4JR with Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun biwire. Hardly a fair fight, approx $3600 of speaker/cable versus approx $420 of same.
Rest of system is MF A5 CD player, Supratek Chenin pre and Conrad Johnson MF2250 amp, VH audio interconnects and power cords.
Well the bass didn't go as low, the highs not as extended but the midrange was about equal. Suprisingly I think I could live with these as my primary speaker, they are quite musical. I played Dire Straits 'brothers in arms' - the steel guitar was natural on the 805SD, Knopler's voice dead center although the images were a bit smaller. Another test song was King Crimson's Moonchild - the cymbals a bit smaller, the triange shimmered a bit less compared to the Von schw/satori combo, but all in all the TAD's are very musical and grand theft audio for 349 smackers. My previous speakers were Paradigm Studio 60's which I had for several years.
So to sum my thoughts up, they're terrific looking in the cherrywood looking more like a thousand dollar finish ; the midrange is astonishingly good, they have a suprising amount of bass for a bookshelf, the treble is musical if not the most extended. I'm tickled pink I purchased them, not a speck of buyers remorse.
My ears/my system/my opinion, FWIW.
Thanks Richmon,

I am going to pick up a pair based on what you say,
(I also know it's YHO) because I feel after emailing
back & forth with Paul also, they are a "GREAT" deal for that
price. I owned the VS VR2's in the past.
Plus, wait until yours are fully broken in and you try a
better speaker cable. That may take it a step further!?
For $349 clams shipped, I'll take the chance!

I have heard them. To me, they sound like a pair of the Insignia's at best buy that everyone was raving about. Thin sounding, and the drivers don't seem to blend well. Side by side with a pair of the small Epos, they are no match. I do like the looks. But they are a nice package, with no substance. For me, there are too many other speakers in that price range that better them. I would pass.