Sonus Faber or Aurum Cantus

I just wonder whether somebody has compare those beautiful speakers Sonus Faber or Aurum Cantus ?
Which one are better ? (in same prices class)
a classic case of music lovers speaker vs audiophile speaker. you already know which is which.

Having auditioned both of these extensively, the Aurum Cantus came away as the better sounding speaker to my ears.

The SFs sounded very nice indeed, especially with Classical music. Workmanship, as expected, is first class. In my opinion, they were not as quick or full sounding as the ACs. The soundstage exhibited by the ACs was markedly bigger as well. No doubt that the AC's ribbon tweeter a big contributor here. In addition, the ACs came off as more life-like, with the SFs by comparison more analytical.

Given the SFs reputation, I really expected them to be much better. What was unexpected was how thoroughly enjoyable the AC's turned out to be. Also unexpected was the first rate build quality. Sounds cliche, however they really must be seen to be appreciated.

In the end, my decision was purely based on what sounded best and, to my ears, the ACs did it for me. So much so that I voted for them (the V3Ms) with my wallet and couldn't be happier.

You can check mine out by hitting my systems link (Second System Sanctuary). BTW - that shine is a result of 14 layers of hand rubbed laquer. Gorgeous to look at and to listen to! As always, YMMV.

"a classic case of music lovers speaker vs audiophile speaker. you already know which is which. "

Afraid not Jaybo, Please enlighten those of us -- like yours truly -- who are sadly not in the know.
Pretty sure he's saying the SFs are for music lovers while the ACs are for audiophiles. However, there are lots of different kinds of music and speakers that specialize in some particular types. If I wanted to rock & roll I wouldn't buy Spendors.