Intuitive Summits & R.S. Audio Sasons?

Anyone heard either or both of these ?

From what I've seen and read, both seem very well designed and are contstructed with extremely heavy granite cabinets.

VAC 220 Standard Signature monos will provide the necessary juice, so the control factor wouldn't seem to be a major issue for either one.

I'd like to keep the topic on the Sasons and Summits only, please.

I heard both speakers in different rooms, both rooms were very bad, so it was hard to get a feel for them. I plan on listening to the Summits again in a different(better) setup
I'll post after that
Sorry for being so vague
The Summits were speakers that made me go Hmmmmm. I think they may be really, really good if I can trust my ears. The dealer used the new Arcam integrated which is bright to me and so the speakers sounded bright.
But what really showed how good the Summits were was when he switched to Sonus Faber Grand Pianos, a well reputed speaker. Sound was incoherent and all over the place". Like a bunch of notes just thrown together. The direct comparison was eye opening.
Hi John,

My ears are set on a pair of SP Techs or the Delta Summits.

I got a full afternoon audition of the Revelations and was extremely impressed.

They sounded so musically alive, clear and powerful.

Nothing in my 20 year+ experience ever came close to that sense of scale and presence except my buddies G.M. Continuum 3's or the big Avalons.
Thanks Pat, happy hunting. Did you ever get around to auditioning the Sason's? What were your thoughts?

Can someone post a picture of the "Pure Direct Connect" binding post.

I have been thinking for sometime of a similar type arrangment to rewire a component of mine - just using the binding post to apply pressure rather than conduct the signal.