Horn Speakers

After owning many different systems over the past 20 yrs or so, I’m coming to the realization that what I like most (at least right now) is lifelike dynamics, the kind that will make you jump.

I owned Maggies for several years. I love their big open sound, but missed the “punch” of dynamic speakers. About 3 yrs ago I went to Vandersteen’s, currently 3A’s. They still have that open sound and do offer some “punch”, not a ton, but some. Going to Nuforce amps gave the Vandies a little more kick, but I’m still missing the lifelike dynamics that I’ve heard with some horn speakers. The problem is, the horn speakers I’ve heard are a bit shouty & harsh.

My question, is there a reasonably priced horn speaker that offers the dynamics I’m missing, with a smoother, more refined sound? Used speakers are fine, I’m open to doing some mods (cross-overs, damping, etc) budget is $1500 +/-.
get klipsch heresy's...they're 'classics', and unlike many horn loaded speakers, they don't honk, and are lively as all getout...in corners, they will do bass better than many horn designs as well.
Are the Heresy's better than the Forte's or Cornwall's? Are there certain models/years that are more desirable than others?
Cornwalls blow away the heresys. Much bigger and more money...
Have you considered electrostatics like Soundlabs? They may be out of your budget?