Horn Speakers

After owning many different systems over the past 20 yrs or so, I’m coming to the realization that what I like most (at least right now) is lifelike dynamics, the kind that will make you jump.

I owned Maggies for several years. I love their big open sound, but missed the “punch” of dynamic speakers. About 3 yrs ago I went to Vandersteen’s, currently 3A’s. They still have that open sound and do offer some “punch”, not a ton, but some. Going to Nuforce amps gave the Vandies a little more kick, but I’m still missing the lifelike dynamics that I’ve heard with some horn speakers. The problem is, the horn speakers I’ve heard are a bit shouty & harsh.

My question, is there a reasonably priced horn speaker that offers the dynamics I’m missing, with a smoother, more refined sound? Used speakers are fine, I’m open to doing some mods (cross-overs, damping, etc) budget is $1500 +/-.
Ecruz, you don't need to spend $10,000. The Cornwall's with a warm solid state, or even better, a 30 watt or so integrated tube amp, and you will be surprised at what they will do.

A step up is the LaScalla's, which IMO are better, but don't have the bass extension and normally require a crossover mod to sound their best.

I've not heard the new RF-83's, but they may be exactly what your looking for. Better WAF for sure. Many on the Klipsch forum seem to think they're a bit too mellow, but all say they still have the dynamics and punch Klipsch is known for.

I'm certainly anxious to hear a pair.

Some really great sounding Klipsch are well within your budget. You'll even have enough money left over to upgrade the xover networks. Consider the Chorus, Forte, and Legend series from Klipsch. None of them will run you over $1K. Another $250 to upgrade your xover networks and you'll be set.
I've owned many klipsch. The cabinet appearance has gone downhill on them over the years. If looks matter/WAF, keep you eyes set to older ones. If you compare the Cornwall to the Chorus, you will see and hear huge differences...
Are you saying the Cornwalls are better, or the Chorus are better?

I've looked in the A'gon Bluebook and they seem to be selling for similar prices.