What Happened to Thiel?

I've been trying to reach Thiel Audio. Their web site is down and their phone is always busy. Anybody have any idea what's going on?
I heard the 3.7 again at the RMAF this year. The system sounded a whole lot better than when I heard them at the Stereophile show in L.A. in June of 2006. But, I am sorry, they still look awefully ugly.

I spoke with the Thiel rep a little bit. They are indeed working on a replacement of 7.2 based on the new technologies from the 3.7. But the model 6 will remain as is.

According to Thiel's web site, the CS 6's were discontinued in March of '07.
That's odd. I spoke to someone at Thiel who said there were no plans to replace the 7.2 anytime soon.

The rumors of a replacement for the 3.6 went on for many years before anything actually materialized. So history might suggest that nothing in terms of a single box full-range speaker is just around the corner.

Seems to be more emphasis on home theater in recent years.

Thiel and full range:
CS 3.5's -3dB 20 Hz
CS 3.6's -3dB 27 Hz
CS 3.7's -3dB 32 Hz
CS 5's +/-1dB 23 Hz
CS 6's -3dB 27 Hz
CS 7.2's -3dB 23 Hz
Don't ya just love manufactures specs. Just like EPA fuel comsuption for cars - YMMV.

Heard 3.7 at RMAF. There are stiff ompetition at $10k. Yes I think they are butt ugly in a "danger Will Robinson, danger Will Robinson" way.