What Happened to Thiel?

I've been trying to reach Thiel Audio. Their web site is down and their phone is always busy. Anybody have any idea what's going on?
it seems that the Thiels are not alone in there rated bass production on high end, high priced speakers. (Kharma, Eggleston, Focal, Merlin, Sonas Faber, and on and on) Offer similar rated speakers in this price range.
The bass on the 3.7s is really quite nice. Not as pronounced as on my 7.2s but still good. I think if I got the 3.7s I would add a smart sub. But then again i am saving for one to go with my 7.2s and they sound great without one. i like the way the depth of soundstage improves when adding the subs with the Thiels I have heard. Anyway the 3.7s are very good speakers and as good and balanced a speaker as I have heard in that price range.

My understanding (but i'm not an authority on the subject) is the 1st Octave frequency range is 16-32 Hz. Low C on a pipe organ, bottom C on most other keyboards and the large orchestral bass drum live here.

I take your point about bass reinforcement but unless care is taken the room can also diminish the bass effect as well.

I respect Thiel as a designer but i feel speakers of this price range should reach into the 1st Octave so not to lose the enhanced experience the low end can provide.

The employment of speaker ports is probably motivated by consumer demand for smaller speakers. I like you prefer sealed designs.

Thiel has lots of competitors. The latest to join is Le Contourne a French sister company of Lavardin. Their new Stabile 160 is prefered by some to the 3.7. Its cheaper (but not much) and enjoys 17Hz-30KHz range with similar physical dimensions. Side by side you quickly apprecriate how impotent the bass of the CS3.7 really is.
Kiwi, thanks for clarifying that for me! Considering CD's inherent limitations and the challange a cartridge would have tracking it, I doubt many systems could actually produce anything below 20 Hz.