Magico mini 2 versus Magico mini 1


They just changed the Mini after wonderfull reviews : woofer not the same, filter probably too.
Price increase from 22 to 26K$.

Is the new Magico Mini 2 better than the first Magico Mini ?
What are the best amp match for those baby ?

Which speakers are direct competitors ?

Thank you for sharing your experiences
I have heard EBM's Rowland 8t Mini set-up,and will confirm that the Rowland is miraculously good.Neither EBM or myself have ever really heard the Mini model 1,but from everything we have read(other posters,and owners)confirm that the model II is superior.
His system is amazingly good,with rediculously good low bass,for such a small(not really)speaker.Tonal balance is superb,with decent soundstage(he has a fairly small,crowded room,but a good one).The high frequencies are amazingly linear,with wonderful detail.Only criticism is a slight lack of upper midrange air.
I believe the new,warmer mid/bass driver contributes to the ever so slight(only a nit-pick)lack of upper midrange air.Other than that,this is a wonderful speaker.
Thanks for sharing your experience. It sounded like you were listening to the Mini 1 but you said that you “believe the new, warmer mid/bass driver contributes to the ever so slight (only a nit-pick)lack of upper midrange air.” So I am a bit confuse, did you hear the Mini2 as well? I have not heard the Mini 2 yet so I am very curious.
I am referring to the MINI II,which EBM owns.He,previously had Kharma speakers(1.0)which had a very open and airy upper midrange,hence my nit-pick of the Minis,in this area.Basically,when playing the same reference discs we use for all occassions,the Magico has a little less "life" in the upper mid,compared to the Kharmas.Only my personal opinion!I hear this on female voice,and it makes sense,that a carbon fiber based mid driver would have this trait.It is NO big deal,but how I hear it!I definitely like them better,overall,than his Kharma 1.0's.
In truth,the Minis have gotten overwhelming good press.They are fabulous speakers,IMO,but not perfect.Nothing is!
BTW,David....Some direct competitors would be Ridge Street Audio Sason,Dynaudio C1,JM Labs Micro Utopia,Sonus Faber Guarnieri Memento etc.
I have heard the first version Sonus,and Dynaudio,as well as the JM Labs.NONE of them are as good as the Magico,IMO.BUT they are all wonderful,IMO.
I have heard the Mark and Daniel Monitors,which cannot touch the Magico,but there was a review of a speaker from VOLENT(the V2 monitor)on the web(one of the popular sites(six moons?),which have the exact mid/bass driver as the original Magico model 1,with a super duper ribbon tweeter,and a cabinet that is STUNNING(cabinet from Italy,speaker from China).The company has been building speakers for ten years,according to the review.
The reviewer,who loves mini monitors,was overwhelmed by how good he felt it was.He alluded to the fact that he heard the Magico,but hinted that he liked the Volent's as much.BTW,the Mini is sealed,the Volent ported.
The Volent sells(according to the review I read,for 5500 US dollars,without stand.They really fascinate me personally,but based on what the Magico's do at EBM's house I would find it hard to believe "they" will be knocked off of their "Monitor" throne.
Just as a personal aside...and forgive me if this seems like rationalization,but my own personal speakers,the original Avalon Ascent MK II(which I maintain to a pampered museum standard),sounds incredibly similar to the Magico's with a bit less upper midrange warmth.They are a bit more open in the upper mid(they have a fabulous two and a half inch aluminum/magnesium midrange driver).Maybe a touch more air in the upper regions,but the Magico version II is a bit more dynamic at the extreme top(just a touch more).To me,they are very similar in presentation.These comments could get "flack",but it's only my own opinion.One really has to hear the Ascents with todays TOP componentry.Quite surprising actually!!
I know some may not believe this,but the Ascent was a stunning,and "way" overbuilt design,with external crossovers,constant six ohm load,six inch thick front baffle,and ALSO a sealed box design(230 lbs with crossovers).BUT "they" are a three way design.The external crossovers offer a challenge to most wives.But they are gorgeous speakers,built when Avalon was owned by Charles Hansen(of Ayre),and really handcrafted.Four cabinet makers took two weeks to make one pair.They show up used very rarely,but at a "steal",price-wise.
The Magico Mini accomplishes what many three way designs do,in a smaller,room friendlier package.THAT is one feature,aside from superb performance,which put them in a very select class.
Good luck

The speakers now have 500 Hrs and they are far more open than when speedy heard them!! They work great nothing I have heard does Violin and piano like mini 2s in my room!!