Crossover-less Speakers

I'd like to hear from those of you who transitioned to crossover-less speakers. I have a pair of Thiel CS 2 2s. I like 'em but I'm curious about the full-range crossover-less speaker types. I'd like to know what speaker you have and what speaker you traded up from. Are you getting the full range from your spkrs? Are you experiencing any peaks and valleys in the frequency response? Are you happy with the lows or are you augmenting with a powered sub? Thanks.
Reference 3A MM De Capo's with Atma-Sphere M60 Mk III's. I've had Thiel 2.2's and still have 5i's. Was listening to ML CLS I's. The Capo's are amazing with an OTL amp. A ML Depth sub fills in the bottom from 30hz on down.
Gallo Reference II's are a 2-way crossoverless speaker. Plenty of highs and lows with these.
Cain Abbys ... actually I had the SuperAbbys, and I had the Cain sub, but the Abbys alone were ... especially with an Almarro A205A ... startling from moment one. Big, open, immediate, dynamic, plenty of range ... simply mind-opening; they made box speakers seem lifeless, strained, less in so many ways. I didn't like them as much with a Pass or Pathos amps, but with tubes (almost as good with my Almarro A318B and a Sophia) these single-drive full-rangers are a steal at used AGon prices. You might also want to visit ... some nice speakers at equally nice prices. The switch from cross-overed to -overless is like having wax removed from your ears. That dramatic.
I susect that currently "true cross-overless" and "true full range" speakers may not truly exist, if reasonable expectations of accuracy are desired.
I did but have not heard any single driver that I could unconditionally recommend. All are idiosyncratic and you have to accept each's limitation, just like any speaker.

I am now leaning to 2 way / no x-over like Epos, Andra I, etc. or Shadorne's suggestion of active.

My dream would be Audio Technologies Flex driver run full range and hi-pass a tweeter over 6kHz. Note that these drivers are in the $20,000 Peak speakers.