Crossover-less Speakers

I'd like to hear from those of you who transitioned to crossover-less speakers. I have a pair of Thiel CS 2 2s. I like 'em but I'm curious about the full-range crossover-less speaker types. I'd like to know what speaker you have and what speaker you traded up from. Are you getting the full range from your spkrs? Are you experiencing any peaks and valleys in the frequency response? Are you happy with the lows or are you augmenting with a powered sub? Thanks.
You can go to Ohm Acoustics site and check out the Walsh Driver technology. The Walsh driver produces all frequecies up to 10K or 14k then it is switched over to a 3/4" super tweeter. This high crossover frequecy keeps any switching in the harmonic frequencies. The Walsh Driver is a fully coherent line source driver. I own them and they are astounding. Their mids are like electrostats.
Makes me wonder how many of the home demo guys go on forums schilling ZU product acting as just home users this is the problem I have with all this.If you purchased ZU love them are not afiliated with ZU then say what you will. But if I gave acomidation pricing to a few select folks so they will do demos and get online and promote my products this doesnt give folks a honest chance for the folks promoting my kit would have a bias and the chance at some reward isnt this what ZU is doing? Maybe ZU doesnt want folks posing as users when they are involved with distributing and demo sales etc.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but even "single driver" speakers have crossovers. Different parts of the cone respond at different frequency, so there is a mechanical, rather than electronic, crossover. "Whizzer" cones, found on some well known "full range" drivers are an extreme example. Only a headset driver is small enough to cover the entire spectrum without breakup.
Zu sells factory direct. That means that you have to buy from the factory. They offer a generous 60 day free home audition for those who are curious about their product. Because speakers are large and bulky and expensive to ship, some people are reluctant to take them up on their offer. As a possible remedy, Zu decided to set up "Listening Posts" around the country where a Zu owner would provide the opportunity to hear the speakers without potential customers having to buy them first. I was (am?) one of those. That's all there ever was to this. It is not an insidious plot. No one has ever asked me to write anything on the subject of Zu.
Anyone who has been paying attention knows that I have not been secretive about my connection with Zu. In fact, no one would even know about it at all if they had not heard it from me.
Another thing that you might want to know is that I initiated all of this voluntarily. Zu has never asked me to do anything for them.
I think it is only fair that you guys do some research on how I have behaved on this subject before rushing to judgement or believing what is insinuated. Some of it is archived but a lot of Zu threads have been expunged by Audiogon. I know not why and I assure you that neither Zu or I had anything to do with that.
i have heard zu speakers several times at ces. what is the big deal ? the overall sound seems to be to emphasize the treble. they are very unforgiving.