Tannoy Speakers

Who here owns, owned, or has auditioned Tannoy speakers? What did you think of them? If you no longer own them or opted to buy something else, can you tell me why? I'm trying to decide what my next set of speakers will be.
Williewonka, the Tannoys I heard were all driven with Cary amplification. The Glenair with the Cary CAD-300SE monoblocks (17W SET), the Kensington with my Cary CAD-805AE (50W SET) which I had just returned as a trade-in. I cannot remember what amp was driving the Kensington and TD12 as that was quite some time ago, but it was definitely a Cary valve amp of some sort. As you may guess, this was in a dealer's showroom who sells ... Tannoy and Cary :)
the Tannoys I heard were all driven with Cary amplification

Hmmm - Cary makes exceptional equipment, but you do need a aweful lot of juice(amps) to drive the speakers you mentioned.

However, it sounds more like the it was the setup and surroundings that added the "color" and not the equipment.

The rooms that most dealers setup for audition purposes are no more than somewhere you can listen to music undisturbed.

The ceilings are too high, the materials on the walls are inadequate, but the biggest offense by far, which is also the easiest to remedy, is Speaker Placement.

Each Sspeaker perform differently, but retailers place them all in a similar position and more often than not, they are only 6 ft apart - WRONG!

I spent a lot of time on placement and now have what I consider a very neutral sound

My quick rules of thumb for "Normal" or "Box" speakers are:
1. For placement from sidewalls
- I use the 1/nth principal
- place the speaker (i.e. the centre of the driver) in from the side wall 1/nth the width of the room - where n is an odd number
- The distance does not have to be the same for each speaker
e.g. 1/5th for left and 1/7th for left works also

2. for placement from the back wall:
- Front ported speakers - Minimum 1 ft from the back wall
- Rear/bottom ported - minimum 3 ft from the back wall

3. For Toe in - I start by adjusting the speaker to focus the sound 3 ft behind the listening position - i.e. when seated I can just see the inside surface of both speakers (assuming they are rectangular and not one of the new shapes)

Once you have an initial setup, play with it until you get the best sound

For Electrostatics - they like to be "free Standing" so you'll need a LARGE room to get the best out of them. The best I've heard to date were a pair of Magnapan's situated in a 20ft x 14ft room along the long wall - 4 ft from the Back to the wall and 5ft in from the sides - they were about 10ft apart and they were completely transparent.

My front ported Tannoy Mercury 4's are about 14 inches from the rear wall (to the back of the speaker) an my rear ported Magnat's are 3ft from the rear wall - any closer than that and the image becomes confused and the bass starts to get muddy and loses all of that nice detail

Also the Magnat's are very sensitive to Toe-in and can also lose detail and image if not set just right.

The Tannoy's are not helped by the TV being located between them, but they perform admirably under the circumstances.

But the worst speaker I have seen for placement recently is the new Ninka from Linn.

According to the Linn Rep:
- They MUST be only 1ft from the Back wall
- No toe-in
- Between 6-7ft apart
- have nothing in between them

Even after the correct setup, I was NOT impressed by the sound. Pitty! - I've always been a huge fan of their product - up until now that is.

The big Tannoys with 15" dual concentric drivers are wonderful. The smaller ones are mediocre.
Tannoy bigger units Westminster and Canterbury need big room,good placement and powerfull amp.I had similar experience as Amfibius but after i changed my equipment from Naim to the best, the sound sudddenly is more focused,cleaner and opened,the bass is now exact and they just sound so much better overall.It would be hard to replace these speakers with something else to have qualities and design as these babies.You close your eyes and you sit in 4th row and hear it the same way as in a concert with great sonics.Sounding very natural and realistic,they are very balanced in all frequencies,some speakers are sounding to bright,some too mellow,some too punchy etc,but these have all positive and most important features for music lover.They are my last speakers I will ever own except maybee Westminsters.
I had Tannoy Ardens from 2008 to 2009.

They were my first concentric ,high efficiency speakers.

I have past experience mostly with electrostats from stacked Quad 57, single paie of 63, Acoustat 3,and Martin Logan Sequel and two pair of CLS11z.

The Tannoys were fine at first, but after awhile I felt that to my ears,I wasn't hearing as much detail and speed that I had taken for granted with the stats.

The sound was similar, but just not as clean or clear.
Perhaps my Ardens need some more fine tuning,but I sold them and moved on to Ref 3A Grand Veena.

The amps that I used on the Tannoys were,Bell 2418 integrated,Cary 300sei,and at the end Audio Valve Eclipse, Red Dragon Leviatahan combo.

For what they cost in the used market, if you like what they do and can live with their flaws(everything has flaws)then they are a fine speaker provididng you have the room for them.

I heard the newer Stirlings at a dealers and they were quite nice, with a bit more clarity.
I was glad I had the opportunity to own a pair of vintage Tannoys just for the experience.
It's only when you directly compare the older models to what is on the market today that you notice the old speakers shortfalls.
Still a nice sound on the cheap.