Dali Helicon 800. What components match with it?

An audiophile I met invited me over to hear his system. He recently bought Helicon 800 speakers. He had considered the Helicon 400 that Absolute Sound raved about, but in comparing the two, he said the 800 won, hands down.

I thought they sounded great in every way. Great bass, clarity, imaging, with a natural sound. The combination of a soft dome tweeter crossed high to a ribbon gives an open, airy quality. Plus the woodworking and finish are stunning. If you get a chance to see one in person, do so, as photos don't do them total justice.

He did find though that the Dali's made him hear that his amp was too bright, so he changed amps from an older Parasound to an Audio Research transistor. He also made cabling changes that he said made a tremendous difference.

Anyone had experience with this speaker? Does it require careful matching of associated equipment? How does it compare to the Helicon 400?
I have MS5's that I run with the Nuforce 9V2SE's and could not be anymore delighted. Nothing hot or bright here. One incredible soundstage and very 3D. Nuforce V29SE's are the end of the road for me. I run a tubed CD player the Sony 999ES with these from Modwright.

Break in is 200 hours no if ands or buts. I listened to broken in and not broken in Dali's and I could easily tell the difference double blind. Broken in is waaayyy better.
Run them fairly hard "highish" volume 24/7 for 8-9 days.

Double blind I could not tell the difference between the MS4's and the MS5's. Let your room size decide your choice.

I would get the latest Modwright Player as an upgrade (just because) if my 999ES had sold here when advertised. It is just fine and I have no complaints or quibbles with my system.

I do not find cables in my current setup make as much difference as in standard solid state amps. I credit this to the Nuforce amps. I find no need to clean the power supply with these amps like I did with other amps of conventional design.

Dali and Nuforce amps to me are a match made in heaven.
I have the Helicon 800 Mk2, but had the Helicon 400 before that, so I can really make a comment on the comparison of these two mentioned by some.
I believe they are both superb. The reviews are correct!
The 800 Mk2 is definitely superior in a few ways. Voices sound better and more detailed, bass is deeper, and suprisingly, the depth of the sounstage improved. I thought this might get worse with the larger speaker.
I also found that the 800 Mk2 had improved on the 400's slightly enthusiastic high frequency treble, without compromising the excitement.
Again, both are excellent, and I tried a huge number of speaker brands and types before I went with Helicons.
Just to add to my earlier comments, I am now running the 800 mk2 on a Gamut Di150 amp, and I find it highly impressive. Try this combination if you get the chance. I am looking to upgrade the speaker cables, and would be interested in any advice. I have noted Buda's Acoustic Zen Satori comment. Any others?
After reading this thread, I realize it was 10 months ago I posted my comments. Certainly the lovely sound continued to improve on my Helicon 800 as they burned in more.

Here are some further thoughts.

It is correct that the impedance curve on this design is quite easy to drive; that is why they perform well with tubes or solid state.

It is also true that different cables will give you different results. I feel this is a key to getting the best sonics that suit your ears the best.

The Helicon 800 has a nice body to its sound and is just slightly warm. The treble is where its revealing nature and uniquely airy quality can provide a new world to your ears, but it can also give you the true nature of some of your bright, tinny recordings. If you want the air and resolution, you don't get a masking of the ugliness on the top end of some recordings. Solution? Throw in a really warm interconnect when listening to these types of recordings. I've been told that Cardas Golden Cross or Cross would be possibilities.

With the small amount of discussion on these speakers, I think only a small number of people have discovered these quite outstanding speakers.
Zear, I couldnt agree with you more. I have spent a lot of time, since getting my Helicon 800 speakers, listening to upgrades at up to 3 times the price driven by very expensive front ends, but none so far have matched the way these Dali's can sound. They have this special way of combining a warm spacious sound with this airy and sparkling treble. They sound unrestricted, open and transparent compared to other speakers, which can often sound quite constipated by comparison. Heaps of fine detail and fantastic 3D imaging.
I settled on Chord Epic super twin speaker cables and Nordost Heimdal interconnect, and you just want to keep on listening in awe at how great music can really sound.