Best New speaker under $5000

I went to the new York show just looking and finally found a loudspeaker better than my brothers Acoustic Zens
The Gershman Acoustic Sonogram at $3595 I bought a pair and never looked back .The Bass goes down under 30hz solidly no loudspeaker in the price range has such a sweetspot the whole center between the speakers and superb detail and imaging.I have auditioned my brothers Adagios in my system, VR-4 juniors, Thiels, these are like a Sonus faber with more detail and better bass. the Zens are very fast slightly more than the Sonograms ,but the circular tweeter is just too soft when you need a little bite , the midbass to the lower bass the Adagio is enemic compared and as uhf magazine also stated
tight articulate low bass and excellent across the board.I have been a audiophile for over 30 years .I was told there are 3 reviews in the process including T.A.S Robert Harley ,I can honestly say I finally made a Great move. I have a Edge g-8 amp, a Consonance droplet cdp, a Dodd audio DC powered valve pre amp , and
all of the little known but excellent Soundstring audio cables.I have freinds that spent 2x the $17k I spent that admitted my system is more coherent!
Although I am wedded to the ML CLS1, I was tempted to buy the Sonogram just for fun. (The fun being taking it to owners of $30k speakers)Dali also makes a beautiful speaker with ribbon tweeter @$5k.