Best New speaker under $5000

I went to the new York show just looking and finally found a loudspeaker better than my brothers Acoustic Zens
The Gershman Acoustic Sonogram at $3595 I bought a pair and never looked back .The Bass goes down under 30hz solidly no loudspeaker in the price range has such a sweetspot the whole center between the speakers and superb detail and imaging.I have auditioned my brothers Adagios in my system, VR-4 juniors, Thiels, these are like a Sonus faber with more detail and better bass. the Zens are very fast slightly more than the Sonograms ,but the circular tweeter is just too soft when you need a little bite , the midbass to the lower bass the Adagio is enemic compared and as uhf magazine also stated
tight articulate low bass and excellent across the board.I have been a audiophile for over 30 years .I was told there are 3 reviews in the process including T.A.S Robert Harley ,I can honestly say I finally made a Great move. I have a Edge g-8 amp, a Consonance droplet cdp, a Dodd audio DC powered valve pre amp , and
all of the little known but excellent Soundstring audio cables.I have freinds that spent 2x the $17k I spent that admitted my system is more coherent!
The Sonogram was one of the few truly great sounding, great value speakers that I heard at the Hi End Show. I only listened for 10 minutes or so (not in the market for speakers) but it was clear they were lucid, coherent, tonally and spatially correct. I didn't hear much else that day that I have thought about since. Congrats--I think you got yourself a pair of speakers that should take you down the road.
While the Sonogram is an "in your face speaker", a more laid back speaker is the Aurum Cantos V2M. It is imported by VAS Industries. At last years's Stereophile show, Together with VPI and Cayin electronics, it was one one of my picks for best sound in show. People actually stayed to hear the music.