AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III

I'm a proud owner of AES Sixpacs and I'm looking now for a speaker upgrade - right now I'm using Triangle Celius 202. I did a lot of research here and read good things about Silverline speakers and (Cary) tube amplifiers.
I'd like to know if anyone has tried the combination Sixpacs plus Silverline?
I'm listening to all sorts of music, including classic, jazz, rock and sometimes I like to turn the volume up!
Thanks for any advice
I'm listening to all sorts of music, including classic, jazz, rock and sometimes I like to turn the volume up!

I own Silverline Sonata III, and I have been experimenting with amps, including 160wpc KT88 push-pull tube monoblocks, 60wpc OTL tube monoblocks, and 500wpc MOSFET solid state monoblocks. I too like to turn up the volume and listen to rock and driving jazz.

The Sonata III work better with solid state amplification, IMO. Better tonal balance.

The Sixpacks, at 50wpc, will not get the job done.
Lissnr, my room is about 6.5m to 4.5m, but it's a living room and not a dedicated listening room. So the speakers are placed in the first third of the longer side and the listening position is about 3m away from the speakers.

Hope this makes sense,