AES Cary Sixpacs and Silverline Audio Sonata III

I'm a proud owner of AES Sixpacs and I'm looking now for a speaker upgrade - right now I'm using Triangle Celius 202. I did a lot of research here and read good things about Silverline speakers and (Cary) tube amplifiers.
I'd like to know if anyone has tried the combination Sixpacs plus Silverline?
I'm listening to all sorts of music, including classic, jazz, rock and sometimes I like to turn the volume up!
Thanks for any advice
Tvad, Interesting observations about the III's mid-range being recessed. I'd hate to see what you thought of my Bolero's! :-) When you were considering tube amps were you also considering the type of power tubes used in them might contribute to the sonic signature? Type to type/brand to brand. I've found that selection can make some difference when it comes to linearity and dealing with coloration built into poweramps. FWIW.
No Newbee, I did not. I selected two highly regarded tube amps. One push-pull KT88 with 160 wpc, and one OTL 6AS7 with 60wpc. It's not as though they both sucked. The KT88 amps actually sound pretty darned good, but not as balanced as the SS amp.

Blindjim loves his Sonata III with the Dodd Audio 120 EL34 tube amps, so perhaps the EL34 based AES Sixpacks will be spectacular with the Sonata III.

Look, I've beaten this to death and I apologize for that. My observations simply reflect the recommendation made by the designer of the Sonata III.

I'm signing off this thread. Best of luck to the OP in his search.
Thanks to all for the advices, special thank to Tvad who really took his time to explain his experiments.
It seems that I will have to more research and listening before i make a decision.

But if someone has the perfect match for me, please let me know

Try Dodd 120 Mk II w/sonicap upgrades... or gary's newer editions the 150's.

I don't experience any of those issues Tvad mentioned he had with his.... and the recommendations of Alan were as to Tvads' own sonic prefs and tastes... and I would agree if rock and loud is desired... SS is likely the way to go.

I've no complaints however with my set up. None wat so ever... other than wanting Thor mono blocks perhaps.
Bauerp, While I assume you have already done so, if you haven't read the review of the III in 6 moons I suggest you do so. The guy that wrote it owned the II's and bought the III's.

From all I can tell, from my limited listening to it, he hits the nail on the head. He also reviewed my Boleros and I found his assessment right on target and his advise excellent. I highly recommend this reading before you write off the III's (and I don't usually even mention reviewers let alone recommend reading their stuff).

FWIW both Tvad and Blindjim have their own very different expectations of equipment, neither of which may even remotely resemble yours (or mine), and from a consumer expectation point of view I personally think the reviewer's observations might have more applicability to your needs than either.

FWIW. Good luck in making the right decision.