Rel Studio Subwoofer

Anyone out there have any info on the Rel studio subwoofer? Can find info on the studio version II and III but not the original studio if there ever was one.The blue book only lists mkII and mkIII even sumiko lists the studio III as still available maybe was before sumiko bought Rel out.

I'm at the mercy of Sumiko right now with my Stentor III! No different than Harmon with Levinson's repairs! They've got you by the b...s and they know it.
I know Statman and at almost 5k new I expected too much thinking this sub ought to last longer than a few years without major repairs. With all the choices out there anybody looking to spend some serious money ought to look else where. I know I would if I had it to do over again.
Sadly anything electromechanical can have repair problems.
My Stentor is happy at eight years old.
My Levinson CD player,developed a very minor problem and was repaired PERFECTLY at a nominal charge,and was done in 1.5 weeks!It sounded better when it was returned,than when it was new.Madrigal charged my half of the original quote.
If we approach these companies professionally,and tell them what we require,as consumers,and "why" we bought their products in the first place,my experience is that "they" usually go out of their way to keep us happy!
Of course mentioning that we frequent Audiogon,and speak about their stuff doesn't hurt!
The best subwoofer is none if your room is done right and your speakers are good a sub woofer is a bad idea. It can only make your sound much worse!! And if you do use them then you need 2 for good soundstage!!
I agree on the repair comment as I've had lot's of stuff go bad over the years but this sub was NOT very old and they would NOT repair it so I'm NOT a happy customer. My TV needed repaired and it cost $150,and Sumiko wanted $1000+ and didn't even try to fix it.
Remember the old adage; a happy customer tells 10 people an unhappy one tells 100. That's what I intend to do.
I'm just giving my opinion and hope I can save someone from going thru what I did.