Speakers with high WAF?

Friends, I have moved all my gear out of our family room and resituated it in my photostudio - all with my wife's unstated blessing. She hated the looks of those Newform Research 645's - mid/bass drivers in a rectangular black box, with a ribbon pole shooting out of the top to about 6'. But they sound so nice...So I am looking for a pair of replacements that may be a bit less "form following function." Showed her a pair of Adagios in the beautiful burl walnut - "but they don't look like furniture...." Thinking that a pair of Klipschorns tucked in the corners of our large family would be a bit more innocuous, she asked "Isn't there something that could be hung on the wall/" Guess that nixes the Klips. So I'd appreciate any of you guys who were ultimately able to satisfy your sonic needs and your wife's esthetic sensibilities. And ladies, your imput would be particularly appreciated.
In my experience, the cabinet finish is not so much the issue. My wife is more concerned with the dominating visual presence in the room. Speakers that will perform well close to the front wall are more acceptable as a rule. This also helps to minimize the visibility of THE WIRES.

Even when I had white Goldmund speakers that looked like something from Amana or Whirlpool, her greatest concern was the fact that I had them 3 feet out from the back wall.

Mr. Tennis' suggestion of large panels can work but only in a very large space. In more confined areas like my living quarters, they look enormous and take over the environs.

Something you might consider, depending on your living situation and you wife's need for attention, might be a state of the art headphone rig. Then you won't be able to hear the complaining and you will have a sound system to yourself. Meanwhile, put something small and inconspicuous where the primary system sits now and use that for ambient entertainment. You'll come out of this with extra money and enormous psychological advantage. Not to mention the glorious privacy this will afford you.
Thanks for all the suggestions.Macrojack, the headphones are an interesting solution. But I am a musician (tenot/clarintet) and play along. No way I can listen with the muffs and play.
Of all the great options, I think the best choises are the Vienna Acoustic Mahlers and the Verity Parsifals - the design of the Parsifals is extraordinary. But I think the thin vertical profile of the Mahlers would be a peacemaker. I have posted a followup on these, and again want to thank you all. I would never have known about either of these handsome devils.
For furniture grade, drop dead gorgeous cabinets AND great audio reproduction, check out Jim Salk's work at http://www.salksound.com - no prettier cabinet work anywhere else. My wife approved mine prior to buying - different than Jim's, but still beautiful: http://cgim.audiogon.com/i/vs/i/f/1134146234.jpg
1. Put doilies on the wires... or little yarn people..problem solved
2. White wicker speakers? Well, let's see it would diffuse the sound stage, especially around the tweeter, then you could make a bass node trap on the base of the unit, and around the woofer, maybe have adjustable wicker for soundstaging.... hmmmm.
Chrisla, now you are scaring me. I can not get out of my mind the image of a pair of Klipschorns in white whicker. Bad brain. Bad brain...