Anybody else heard the Avalon Acoustics Isis?

I spent a delightful afternoon on friday listening to the Avalon Acoustics Isis speakers. These retail for $62000.00, so I was expecting a high level of performance, but was still surprised at how wonderful these speakers were at creating the sound of real music.

Even though this was in a store environment with electronics that are not my favorite cup of sonic tea, current Mark Levinson gear, the Isis's offered the following:

1) I'm quite enamored of the type of soundstage and natural layering that planer dipolar speakers provide, my home reference are MG-20's, the Isis was one of the few box enclosure speakers that offered this type of illusion regarding space. They just did not disappear, but offered this very natural 3D imaging without making individual players sound like "cutouts" against a background, but layering in a very natural way that sounds more like live music.

2) Great macrodynamics and resolution without sounding etched or in your face, and this was with electronics that I personnally don't find to be very musical! I would want to hear these speakers with a great tube pre and SS amps like Pass Labs XA's.

3) The whole sonic presentation was seemless, again reminding me of what great planer speakers have to offer, with a quick and rock solid bottom end.

I have listened to Wilson's, Kharma's, B&W's, Magico's, Dali's reference speakers on other occasions, and I was not as impressed as I was yesterday. Am I trading my MG-20's for the Isis's, no but if you have a chance to hear them I think you find it a very enjoyable experience.
Hi Sydsrig, you are correct he is awaiting for the arrival of Wilson's Alexandra's latest and greatest version.

Regarding getting to hear different set-ups in actual home environments really is the only way to do it and anyone able to do this is very fortunate, well I feel fortunate to have met these individuals over the years. They all have excellent set-ups but have their own sonic differences and these differences are in the end what one actually prefers and will possibly sway which way you decide to go.

I will say the latest set-up I heard was the Assendo M's with CAT JL3 mono blocks and I really liked it, a speaker still on my list is the Rockport, MM3's and Dalhi.

I'm sure you will have allot of fun at the show and get to see allot of exciting audio pieces.

Regarding the winter weather here it most defiantly is not Florida weather and yes it can get nasty, burr!

When you go to the show check out Convergent Audio I will have their flagship JL3 SIG. MK2 mono blocks, I also have Stealth product through out my set-up. Also go and check out the David Berning set-up and get a chance to see and possibly hear one of only 24 pairs of Quadrature-Z mono blocks being manufactured, should be special as I have a pair scheduled to come in Jan.
As other speakers are being mentioned, have you auditioned the new Revel Salon 2. It might be very interesting to hear your comments.
Pascanli, you raise an interesting point with the Revel Salon 2. Given the gushing "cost no object" speaker award that TAS gave it in the latest issue, one can't help but be curious about what all the "hollering" is about with this speaker. I would still be surprised if it can duplicate the magic act that I keep hearing the 101E's perform whenever I hear them. But then again, that's what this hobby/industry is all about isn't it?

I also noticed your involvement in the "Game Over" thread in the digital forum. I have been way behind the times on this topic and really enjoyed reading your posts there.
Hi Dev, I think I heard the Ascendo's at THE Show this past January. If I'm not mistaken it's a lacquer finished black box woofer bottom with a second slimmer laquer finished black box top with a horn loaded (I think as it appeared to be recessed in the cabinet) ribbon midrange and/or tweeter? It had a very distinctive, albeit awkward, look to it if memory serves me correct.

In any case, if it's what I thinking it is, it sounded pretty darn impressive during the brief time I spent with it.

Regarding the other products, I will have to review my list with you before I head out to make sure I get it right!
Dev, One other question regarding the 101E's. Have you driven them or given thought to driving them with the Spectron Musician III Class D amplifier? There are a number of threads on this forum (as well as on that absolutely swear by this amp/speaker combination irregardless of cost considerations (except for the MBL 9011 reference monoblock amps).

What say you and your MBL bretheren?