Need Speakers at least 4 feet high

Very disturbing what wives can do - first it was move them closer to the wall - did so, at significant cost of soundstaging and imaging - next, I come home and there is that huge, upholstered chair that she is crazy about, the size of the Whire House, completely obscuring the speaker! "What's the problem"? She asks, get higher speakers, then!!" So, I need your help. To do just that. I cant even see the right speaker now. The house-sized chair is planted right in front of the right speaker! Her revenge.
Budget - about $10-12K, must have coherence of Kharma 3.2 Enigmas, which they will replace. (And which some lucky soul with a kinder wife can buy:) Must image 2 ft from front wall, 8 ft apart, room size, 23' X 16 ft X high A type ceiling. System: EMM CDSD/DCC2, Sota Cosmos V, EAR 324, AS MP-1, AS MA 2.2,(200 WPC, Class A, OTL - likes 8 ohm inpedance) PAD Dominus S/C.
This is a serious request of y'all, so please, despite your suggestions of dumping the chair and the wife, let me know if there are any speakers out there that I should look at.
Springbok10, I would suggest the Newform Research line ( I have been living very happily with the 645 for about six years. They are a hybrid with conventional bass drivers and a ribbon for the upper range. Not only do they sound and image in a splendid way, the ribbon "pole" tops out at 75". I am a musician and often honk along with my sax or clarinet. The height of the ribbons, at close filed is perfect for the standing (or over the chair) listener. Obviously as you move away from the speaker, this has less of an impact. Becasue the ribbon is tall but narrow, it is not like having a 6' behemoth in your room. I can not recommend these more "highly." They cost about $3500 with the Loonie and greenback at par. Perhaps with the savings, you could interst your wife in a stylish chair from BB Italia or Cassina. Good luck. David
Just raise the speakers using Omnimount gear and angle them downwards slightly. 200 lbs is not that heavy. ATC do this all the time for clients. I have used Omnimount brackets on smaller ATC's with no issues. You can hang them from the ceiling or wall or if you prefer - just get a stand.

Omnimount WBX 240 lbs wall mount

Omnimount STX 240 Lb Wall or ceiling Mount

They have stands like this also.
there is a nice pair of Piega P10's used here on agon that might fill the bill
Jeez, the guy asked for speaker advice without the marriage counseling, and now he is a jerk because he wants to stick to the topic? How many times does he have to say it? Springbok10 has been exceptionately good natured about this so far.
Dude, if I knew of a speaker to solve your dilemma I would totally post it without any other advice just to show others it can be done. The rudeness up there^^^^^^is embarrassing.