Need Speakers at least 4 feet high

Very disturbing what wives can do - first it was move them closer to the wall - did so, at significant cost of soundstaging and imaging - next, I come home and there is that huge, upholstered chair that she is crazy about, the size of the Whire House, completely obscuring the speaker! "What's the problem"? She asks, get higher speakers, then!!" So, I need your help. To do just that. I cant even see the right speaker now. The house-sized chair is planted right in front of the right speaker! Her revenge.
Budget - about $10-12K, must have coherence of Kharma 3.2 Enigmas, which they will replace. (And which some lucky soul with a kinder wife can buy:) Must image 2 ft from front wall, 8 ft apart, room size, 23' X 16 ft X high A type ceiling. System: EMM CDSD/DCC2, Sota Cosmos V, EAR 324, AS MP-1, AS MA 2.2,(200 WPC, Class A, OTL - likes 8 ohm inpedance) PAD Dominus S/C.
This is a serious request of y'all, so please, despite your suggestions of dumping the chair and the wife, let me know if there are any speakers out there that I should look at.
Although I don't need to clear 4', I had to clear the 26" arm of the sofa & did this w/a driver that starts 31" from the floor. Any part of the driver that is below your 4' height will compromise the sound. The spkr sits only 14" from the sofa.

I think a custom made spkr would fit the bill or move the furniture when listening, as has been suggested.

For custom made spkrs, I like this guy:

If you want to play the size game, pick up a pair of Montana spkrs. They really are excellent sounding & you could get one of the bigger models in your budget range.

Good luck.
Yea, but the marriage counselling is more fun to read and a lot of laughs . . . I agree with whoever said to move to the man cave and give her back the she cave. I just got WAF on a pair of Maggie 20.1s so I'm happy!
Yes, I agree it's not always easy to get full meaning across with written posts.
Why would you want to spend that kind of money for medicore to poor performsnce at best due to placement, and you already have your own music room...why is this?