Clement Perry's new reference speaker

I just got finished reading on the Stereo Times website a review of the Sunny Cable Magistic reference speaker by Clement Perry who is the publisher/founder of this website.

These speakers retail for $90000.00 a pair, they are a horn based speaker design. Mr Clement's reference was the highly regarded Dali Megaliners, untill he tried these in his home system.

I have never anywere read or talked to anyone who has ever heard Sunny Cables wires and speakers, only on the Stereo Times were they are quite impressed by this line of wires and now this reference speaker.

So, my question to you GON members, have any of you ever listened or auditioned Sunny Cable wires or their line of speakers, if so thanks for sharing
I was lucky enough to have a chance to listen to Clement's system on Tuesday (Feb.21). I would urge any skeptics to take him up on his offer and go listen for themselves. I have spent the last couple of weeks listening to some high end systems around the country.
I listened for about 8 hours to my CD's and a wide variety of music that Clement played. We played classical, Jazz, Rap, some indi bands, Blues and everything in between. It was quite a remarkable experience, and I left convinced that outside of springing for the 325k Magico Ultimates(which I've not heard, I have heard the Model 6) this is as good as it gets. I had planned on listening to 1 or 2 more systems, but was so impressed I ended my search and am buying the Sunny's. Don't take my word for it, have a listen yourself. Clement is a most generous host and once you have a chance to speak to him you will realize this is a man who lives and breathes audio. There is no logical reason he and Greg would have bought these enormous speakers, whatever the discount unless they felt they were nothing short of the best in their class. Whats interesting too is that Clement's room is very short of the ideal space for these monsters. The ceilings are not that high and the room is pretty small. I can only imagine what they will be like in a larger room, although I will find out when they arrive. I would love to hear more from anyone who has the chance to visit Clement, but for my money I am convinced that this is as good as it gets and if anyone wants to have an experience that will really transport them they should make whatever arrangements they need to to go listen. -Erik
sounds like a plan...I'll write my on second mortgage and order a pair tonight...RIGHT!!
for 90K, we could get Ashley Dupree to come over and not only play for us, but...
I have Clement Perry to thank for my Von Schweikert db99 I've owned,completely happy with them and a great synergy with my Almarro 318B SET amp...I'd love to hear his gear too....his enthusiasm for this great hobby matches mine and I suspect he's been into music listening since he was a kid ( I was raised this way....anti-tv parents but LPs were fine)I think CP's website is a paradigm and hope he keeps it up. I think a lot of us fantasize about what gear we'd buy if wealthy and price no object...we'd search for the best that matched our taste in sound.
Larry no I missing something???
Yes, I agree that Sunny speaks would make it to that list but......this is not it???
And.......besides the fact that:
a. They cost is almost 100K
b. You will need 2 pro moving comps. or few Spartans from "300"
c. Lovely and saint wife to let the beasts in.

You will need a state of the art room and components to get the best out of these speakers.......if money is in fact no object.