Cat owner wants speakers

Lately I've been looking at new speakers, but I'm nervous about some designs that might attract the attentions of our cat. Cremonas have those scintillating strings in front, Vandersteens have the sock extending all the way to the floor, Zen Adagios have a front port that a cat would probably like to sleep in. I hate to diqualify otherwise nice speakers because of the potential damage a 6-pound cat might do...I'd appreciate suggestions anyone might have tried to protect their speakers, or discourage the cat. Or, other speakers to consider?

My wife values the cat more than she values me, so I probably shouldn't try to Velcro the cat to the wall while I'm out, or similar ideas...thanks...
There are actually several solutions to your problem.
1) You can buy two sided sticky tape that comes in strips from your local pet store. It's actually used for furniture, but you can attach it to the grills. Probably not the actual cabinet itself. Very easy to remove and leaves no sticky residue. Cats hate it.
2) The pet store also carries electrified pads that you lay across your furniture. I think they are battery powered. They come 2 feet by 6 feet, I think. Put in front of speakers They hate this too.
3) And my personal favorite, water guns or air guns. A couple of blasts and they learn quickly.
4) But at the risk of being ridiculed, I bought rubber coated wire mesh that comes 2 feet high in rolls of 5 and 10 feet in length and either 1/2 inch or 1 inch squares. I built a cage around my Magnepan's and Clyde has never "meshed" with it. Works great and very easy to remove for listening. But honestly, not really necessary.
Good luck.
Anthony Gallo Reference 3As with the metal cage around them. Or maybe better yet, take a cage off and set it over the cat.
I wouldn't have a cat in the house unless it's declawed and why does it matter if the cat stays in the house anyway? I tried spraying my cat with the water bottle and she just looked at me, why are you doing that? didn't faze her.
Chain a large, viscious dog between your speakers. That will give you more speaker options and won't interfere with the imaging either. Better make the dog a mute, though, so it doesn't interfere with your listening pleasure.