Best new loudspeaker

I have heard many loudspeakers ,I own Magnapan , and
a Aerial 10-t . This new loudspeaker I heard at great lengths and many agree is from a new company called
NSR -Sonic Research the D-3 Sonata was absolutely killer
and they were saying the wiring and crossover are not even final as of the Jan show . parts quality is excellent in the Silver finish I saw,for a speaker under $5k to create such a soundstage presence with bass that had articulation and impact is beyond me how they do it ,I am told it is a
sealed focal lens .They will be selling by March ,I for sure will be saving my bucks, this is one loudspeaker to watch ,I am already selling my 10-ts.
once more: there is no best of anything. my perception of naturalness of timbre leads me to prefer the quad 57 in comparison to most speakers. my preference does not mean that i think the quad 57 is the best speaker, or the best at reproducing timbre. i haven't auditioned evry speaker, thus it is not possible to use the term "best".

the word best does not enter my vocabulary. it is a word i try not to use.

i have perception and preferences. that is the extent of my comments. one cannot conclude "best" based upon perception and preference. favorite might be a better word.

hopefully, i am now understood.

>if there is a speaker that is a worthy competitor of electrostatics and planar/magnetics/ribbons, with respect to reproduction of timbre, using "conventional" drivers, i would want to audition it, unless i have already heard it.

The Linkwitz Orion (open baffle dynamic dipole) midrange is more similar than different (I prefer it). The sweet spot is much wider and placement less critical. The (dipole) bass goes louder and deeper than a full-range planar (like the CLS) and is much more natural than the (box) bass of a hybrid like other Martin-Logans.

The Emerald Physics CS2, Jamo 909k, Nomad Ronin, and Gilmore model 2 and 3 are also current production dynamic-driver dipoles with different design compromises and price tags.

Other commercially produced examples exist along with a pile of DIY designs (You can build Orions, NaOs, or the Adire DDR from plans).
Does ones hearing not get a little Impaired the older one becomes? Clouding ones judgment compared with the rapscallion younger set?
thank you drew. i should have been more specific.

what i meant to say is that i might be interested in auditioning a non-panel speaker that would fool me into thinking that i was listening to a panel.

i'm not sure that the speakers you mentioned could completely emulate a pair of stacked quad 57 or apogee suettta signature.

i heard the emerald physics speaker at the show. i was not impressed

>what i meant to say is that i might be interested in auditioning a non-panel speaker that would fool me into thinking that i was listening to a panel.

Try the Orions (I own a pair) - they have a very similar midrange but don't suffer from panel limitations.

I'm extrapolating more towards the rest of the dynamic driver dipoles.