Legacy focus 20 20 speakers

I am thinking of buying a pair of the Legacy focus 20 20 speakers. I have heard many great reviews of them but also some that are so bad its given me pause to go ahead with the purchase. Some have critisized them as having poor build quality, (internaly) unmatched drivers, and muddy boomy bass. Has anyone had any experiance with these speakers that may help with my decision. Are the newer models the same as the older ones, or have they been changed in some way. thanks
I have the focus 20/20 and couldn't be happier.Just a joy to listen to.People who claim the bass is muddy must not have them set up right.Have mine 2.5 ft from rear wall and 3 ft from sides.Even though they are efficient speakers,give them some juice to control those 6 12 inch woofers.Don't try running these with a receiver.Fit and finish is first rate.Are there better out there? Of coarse,but these will hang with the big boys in the under 15 grand arena.I will never sell these.The all around performance is great with any kind of music.So many times you hear this speaker or that speaker is great for only one or two types of music.Or good for music and not HT.These will please you in anything you throw at it.Highly recommended.
Thanks Cpk and Barone for your response. Cpk, your point about the company not matching their drivers caught my attention because of the companys following statement which can be found on their website. It is as follows. Quote "Only a handful of loudspeaker manufacturers take the time to carefully hand-match loudspeaker pairs. Each pair of LEGACY speakers goes through a lengthy, cumbersome process known as nulling. We will place a microphone equi-distant from each speaker, then feed identical pink noise to both speakers. One of the loudspeakers is intentionally connected out of phase. The goal here is to create the strongest cancellation possible. We then adjust the individual crossover components; turns are wound off inductors and resistors are trimmed. We will often improve the null by as much as 3 dB!" Unquote. Is this just a bunch of bull meant for the consumption of an ignorant comsumer? What was the reasoning behind your statement that they do not match drivers. Ive heard this mentioned before, so your not the only one with this concern.
Barone, thanks for your response also, I've read about so many people that love this speaker, including such industry experts like sterophile magazine. I wonder if the people not liking this speaker are haveing problems with room accustics that need to be resolved. When I built an addition on my house and moved my system into a room that was alot differant from the one before in terms of size and shape. The differance was like day and night. (alot worse unfortunatly) The bass response almost disappeared, what remained was boomy and unlistenable. I'm convinced that the accustics of a room can affect the actual sound of a speaker almost as much as the design of the speaker itself. It makes perfect sense if you think about it.
I used to own a pair of the original Legacies. I struggled for a couple of years trying to get the speakers to sound right in my dedicated listening room. A very capable friend who is also a high-end cable manufacturer looked at the guts of the speakers and remarked at the abundance of low cost, off-the-shelf parts. Even after several upgrades of resisters, crossovers, and added baffling I couldn't live with the Legacies and replaced them with a pair of Avalon Radians. A huge improvement. Despite my loyalty to Bill Duddleston and his staff (all very nice people who provide excellent customer support), I realized their products are far from reference quality. They make very dynamic speakers with a lot of Wow Factor but little refinement or finesse.
Legacy Focus 20/20 is a good speaker, my dad owned them for 6 yrs and I spent alot of time with them aswell but as soon as he and I heard the Vandersteen Quatro the Legacy were up for sale.
Vandersteen matches all drivers, has twice the bass as Legacy (it is worlds better) and time and Phase accurate with no fatigue that Legacy can give you... but Vandy Quatro's standard version isnt all that great to look at but IT IS ABOUT PERFORMANCE (my dad bought the Wood Quatro which is beautiful but comes at a premium price.
Legacy has many fans and my dad for a time was one of them but you need to hear the Quatro, is blows the Focus 20/20, HD right out of the water, it also has powered woofers and 11 band bass EQ tuning so they can be optimized to most any room...have a listen.
Their explanation of the process is accurate with the expectation of taking turns off of inductors. I did that process at Allen Organ in 1999 using an RTA and my ear to adjust loudspeaker pairs so that there response was similar. If you open up a pair of legacy's you will most likely see that the parts on each crossover are not exactly the same. This is the only loudspeaker mfg. I have worked for so I don't know if the practice is common but any loudspeaker that I have owned and opened up I don’t see this. If you take the time to closely match the crossovers and drivers you eliminate the necessity for this step. What happens though when you closely match drivers is your rejection rate goes up, in think Dunlavy’s was above 50%, this increases costs etc. Logically the closer matched your drivers are the better off you are.