Legacy focus 20 20 speakers

I am thinking of buying a pair of the Legacy focus 20 20 speakers. I have heard many great reviews of them but also some that are so bad its given me pause to go ahead with the purchase. Some have critisized them as having poor build quality, (internaly) unmatched drivers, and muddy boomy bass. Has anyone had any experiance with these speakers that may help with my decision. Are the newer models the same as the older ones, or have they been changed in some way. thanks
CpK, no need to open it up; I toured the factory and saw everything - crossovers, wiring, etc. for the HD's. Yes, there is some clear 12Ga cable used on the harness and with the bass drivers. It's sourced from an audio cable manufacturer, not generic electrical cord. That cable internally and drivers he's using are working extremely well (I'll leave potential buyers to determine if I have good ears on this matter).

As I said, I didn't get a chance to hear the 20/20, but I'll say this, if Bill could get this sound out of the HD's using chicken wire, I wouldn't care (Well, ok, I would, but I'd really struggle because the parts would bother me, but the sound would be undeniable). As an aside, the drivers are matched. I have heard many speakers which boast pristine, perfect cabling and they haven't overwhelmed me. The HD's are just plain impressive, truly outstanding at the $7k mark. You'll see that I state similar sentiments in the review. I think that anyone who hears them on a good system, with $25k of components and cabling or higher, would understand why.

I had one audiophile in for a listen, and he thought they might be in the range of $20k. When I told them they were $7k he said, quote, "That's a lot of speaker for $7k" It's hard to remain objective when excited by a product. There are several outstanding speakers (maybe four or six?)in every price range. In my world, this is one of them (Anyone can think my world is weird and my perceptions horrible, but I leave it up to the pool of potential purchasers to determine if I am right).

Whatever Bill Dudleston is doing, my ears tell me he's doing things RIGHT at this time with this model.
Even including my experience with the speakers which may have been changed, the Legacy's would be a big step up. They are pretty easy to drive, your amp should do fine; a couple of guys who worked in Springfield drove theirs receivers. Hopefully Doug will get back to us as if the internal build has changed it would be good to know.
Well Douglas, the first thing I'll probably wind up doing is auditioning a pair of these things. There's a dealer about an hours drive from me in NJ. Will probably wind up buying a pair. But all this is pending on what the second half of your review of them is like. If you dont like them I doubt I will even bother. If I do get them, I will certainly and anxiously tell all what I think of them. As for future upgrades, you'll have to be pretty patient before you hear about any of those. Being married with kids, one of whom just graduated from from The American Acadamy of Dramtic Arts and wants to be an actor, can take its toll on ones descretionary spending. Thats a pretty tough racket, he may need alot of help for a while. But who knows he may get lucky and strike it rich, than I can go out and buy the latest flagship speaker from Wilson Audio. In the mean time I'll continue buying most of my stuff second hand. Seems to me thats the way to go for me considering most electronics dont go bad or ware out like cars do. ( I think ) At least speaker cables and interconnects should'nt, If anyone knows any other good site's on line where you can find used, sorry, preowned audio gear, I would love to check it out. Thanks
They better be worlds better than the original Focus 20/20 to even compare to the Vandersteen Quatro, I doubt they have jumped high enough in performance.