Classical speakers that do violins well??

All my serious listening is classical.

I hate nothing more than steely shrillness on violins or a glare on a soprano's voice.

I love nothing more than the faithful reproduction of the tone colors of unamplified instruments (the wood body of the violin and cello, the felt pad excting the sinewy strings of a piano).

YET, I hate bloated, indistinct, overly warm, billowy lower mids and upper bass (what I gather some think of as "musical").

Do you have any experience with speakers that might meet these needs for $2K, give or take (new or used)? Can be either floorstander or monitor, but with at least enough bass to perform decently on orchestral music. THANKS.
sonus faber grand pianos, totem forests, castle howards, a host of others (used)in that pricerange.
You don't mention your electronic chain or room considerations. Assuming no impedance or power issues, consider the Vanderstein's that fit your price range. (Used 3's or new or used 2ce's or 2ci's). Signature line up is their premium version.
Sonus Faber Concerto Domus are terrific for string instruments. Add a musical Rel sub and they'll play with anything twice their price.
I agree with the abover, and almost any "british" sound speaker: Spendor, Proac, Harbeth, etc.
Thanks, folks.

Sorry about the missing info: Quad 66 preamp and Aragon 2004 amp (100W). Both LP and CD sources (equipment in flux). Room size 21' by 12' by 8' high.