Green Mountain Audio Eos

GMA just posted information on their Eos line...

I just got notice from A'gon that the word "amazing" has been officially banned.
any feedback on these speakers yet? Interested , but that tweeter has me worried. Is it stable? Especially the movement back and forth.
Hopefully someone has received a pair by now. Comments please!

I had the pleasure of hearing some Calypsos last week for my introduction to the GMA sound. That soundstaging and coherence is quite addictive. In fact, since the audition, I've purposely limited my listening to headphones for the past week. Eventually my emotional synapses will stop swooning and sighing whenever the Calypso memory pops up, and I can return to enjoying my current phase incoherent setup, as humble as it is.

The future awaits...
Someone must have heard these by now; are you all too busy enjoying listening to your new Eos :)
Some feedback please!